Wednesday, March 15, 2023

First Additional Ending to Mark

Mark 16:9a, CEB - They promptly reported all of the young man’s instructions to those who were with Peter. Afterward, through the work of his disciples, Jesus sent out, from the east to the west, the sacred and undying message of eternal salvation. Amen.


                In the last reflection, we noted that verse 16:8 was almost certainly the original ending of the Gospel of Mark.  In the church’s current version there are at least two or three additions that were most likely added in the second century AD after the other three gospels (and the book of Acts) were published and distributed.  The support for this claim is that it seems some of the details from those other sources were collected and tacked onto Mark.  Rather than completely dismiss them, we can gratefully receive them as a faithful witness to us from the church of the second century after Jesus’s time on earth.

                This first addition to Mark above seeks to deal with the discomfiting ending of the original gospel, which ends with the witnesses to the resurrection saying nothing to nobody. 

“Overcome with terror and dread, they fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid.” (Mark 16:8)

While the women might possibly have remained quiet for a time, the other gospels give testimony to the fact that the primary witnesses of the resurrection were indeed these women.  They eventually told people. 

                The second half of this new short ending echoes the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20:

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I’ve commanded you.”

Whoever was responsible for this addition wanted to make sure that the early church was clearly committed to this primary directive of Jesus to share the news of the Gospel with all peoples.  To be clear, this is in keeping with Mark’s concern in chapter 13:10, which states,  “first, the good news must be proclaimed to all the nations.”

                The fact that the editor felt the need to include a reminder of the primary mission of the church at the end of Mark just a couple of generations after the great explosion of the church’s mission in the first century is telling of how quickly the church seems to wander off-mission and begin to focus on less critical matters. 

                In our own day, culture wars, political wrangling, and protection of the status quo have left the church needing to be reminded again of what the main thing should be – the core gospel message that salvation is now accessible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The church is not primarily a social club, holy huddle, or even a philanthropic organization.  The church is the primary vehicle God has chosen to continue the mission of Christ.  Where disciples are not being made, the church is not the actually the church. 


Questions:  In the church where you are most associated, what is the most important thing based on the way it spends time and resources?  When was the last time you were witness to a person beginning to follow Jesus for the first time?


Prayer:   God, forgive us for all the time, energy, and resources we expend on things that have no eternal significance.  Show us what Your mission looks like in our neighborhood and give us courage, discipline, and wisdom to engage it with our heart and lives. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for churches around the world facing persecution right now.


Song: Reach One More – Rich Muchow

This first link is Rick Warren telling the story behind the song.

This is the actual song.

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