Monday, September 6, 2021

Matthew 6:24 Are You and God of a Single Mind?


Daily Devo w/ Pastor Eric

September 3, 2021 – Are You and God of a Single Mind?


Matthew 6:24, NIV - “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”


Imagine a race car driver deciding to get her taxes done while driving in a race.  Maybe you could picture a climber scaling Mt. Everest but trying to knit a sweater to keep warm while he’s climbing.  Either one of these multitaskers is bound for some serious frustration.  Driving a race car and climbing Mt. Everest require single-mindedness.  Jesus says that serving God is like that.  Distractions, especially those like wealth, will throw a wrench in the machinery.

So what we do?  We need money but we want to serve God.  First, it’s important to realize that money is not the problem.  The Apostle Paul, writing to his mentee, Timothy, writes, “For the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10).  It’s the love of money or, for our case today, the single-minded focus on money that is the problem.    The race car driver still has to do her taxes, but the IRS will have to wait until a day when she is not racing (unless the race is on April 15 😊).  The mountain climber needs the warm clothing before the climb starts so when he arrives at the basecamp, his focus is clear.  Sweaters and taxes are not what life is about.  Neither is money. When life is about getting money, life is upside down.  Money should always serve what life is about – serving God. 

My guess is that most of us have gotten this wrong at least once in our lives.  When this happens, it can be really hard to put the focus back where it belongs.  In fact, money can gain such a grip on a person that the very idea that he may have to shift his focus off of it may cause a resentment to creep up in his soul.  This is why the Rich Young Ruler went away sad (Mark 10:22).  The hold his wealth had on him was absolute; it had become his single-minded focus.  It is a miserable place to be in.


Question/Reflection:  What do you believe God put you here to do?  Whether it’s racing cars, climbing mountains, or whatever, make that the focus and do whatever it takes to ensure that it never becomes about the money.  When it is only about the money, it most likely means that what God put you here to do is something else.  Serve the purpose God gave you and you will find that God will provide the rest. 


Prayer:  God, give us clarity about the work you put me here to do.  May our hearts never be captured by anything else. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for deliverance for people who are drowning in debt right now


Song:  Covenant Prayer - Newlife Church

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