Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Matthew 7:12 - Tarnishing the Golden Rule


Daily Devo w/ Pastor Eric September 14, 2021

“Tarnishing” the Golden Rule


Matthew 7:12, The Message “Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get.


This is the message version of the Golden Rule.  Every religious and philosophical tradition has a version of this (if some reason, you’re feeling especially geeky like me, there is a great Wikipedia article on it).  It is a universal truth.  As I reflect on it today, a couple of things occur to me.  You can twist the “rule” into something Jesus never intended.  I can treat people the way I want to be treated as a way of getting them to treat me the way I want to be treated.  Granted, it doesn’t always work, but it probably works a good percentage of the time and it beats the alternative.  To see it that way misses Jesus’s point.  When I think about how I want to be treated and extend that to others, I am forced to remember that they are a human being just like me.  And often, that is what I need to do, because I have put that other person in a category different from me so that I can justify treating them differently than I would like to be treated. 

The other thing that strikes me today is how powerful it is to hear Jesus, who is God become human asking us to treat each other (and Him for that matter) like we would want to be treated.  Jesus is asking us to do what he did first as God.  God becoming human is God thinking about what he would need in our place and then giving to us.  I love thinking about that.


Question:  Who do you know that practices the Golden Rule well?


Prayer:  God, thank you for being good to us. Help us to be good to you and all the other people you have made. Help us live the Golden Rule as you intended. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for over 100,000(including an alarming number of children) Americans diagnosed with Covid-19 yesterday and the last several days.


Song: The Golden Rule – This one has a VBS feel to it.


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