Thursday, October 7, 2021

Matthew 10:16 - It's Not Easy Being Sheep

It’s Not Easy Being Sheep


Matthew 10:16, NIV -  “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”

Mattthew 10:16, The Message - “Stay alert. This is hazardous work I’m assigning you. You’re going to be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so don’t call attention to yourselves. Be as cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove.


The summer after my first year of college, I got a job on the landscaping crew at a local country club golf course.  All during high school, I had my own landscaping business, so this job was really my first experience of being on a crew whom I didn’t know beforehand.  It was a eye-opening experience.  The guys on this crew were a rough bunch.  There was rarely a day when there wasn’t some sort of altercation between my co-workers.  One day, one of them even took a swing at our boss.  I knew from talking with my crewmates that most of them went drinking most nights and the stories they’d have the next day were usually quite colorful.  I’ll leave it at that.  I didn’t think I had led a sheltered life until that summer. 

Those guys found out that I was a “church boy” (their term) and that led to some serious ridicule.  It was really my first time feeling like a sheep among wolves.  I knew the poking was aimed at getting a rise out of me and hopefully provoking a fight.  Wanting to avoid that, I would mostly just take their jabs and try to change the subject.  Over time though, their behavior started to change towards me.  Instead of barbs, they would look for an opportunity to ask me questions when others were not around.  They would ask me about my church or about what I thought about certain issues.  In the two months I was there I felt like they had begun to see me as one of the crew.  And I like to think I planted some seeds. 

But all of that could have gone another way.  There was one time when their ridicule had almost had me ready to fight. Truth be told, there probably would have been a fight had the boss not shown up.  I also felt quite tempted to begin to talk the way they did and to come up with some colorful stories of my own.  When you’re among wolves, the temptation is to act like a wolf.  I will confess that during high school, I had indeed made that choice several times.  But when I think of those times now, I shudder.  Why?  Because I know that I am one of the sheep. 

It can be hard to be a sheep, especially when you’re among wolves.  It requires you to be on your toes and think carefully about every move.  Wolves are generally really easily provoked, especially on social media.  But if you are a follower of the Great Shepherd Jesus, then by definition, you also are a sheep.  Furthermore, we are sheep sent to be among wolves in the hopes that those wolves will one day become sheep. 


Question:  What “wolves” do you find yourself among these days?  Take a moment to name them for yourself.  Then pray for them.  Then pray for yourself that you will not adopt wolflike ways.  Be a sheep but be smart about it.


Prayer:  God, show us the wolves you’ve sent us to be among and give us your love for them so that we might be part of their sheep transformation.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for the “wolves” in your life.  If you don’t have any wolves, pray for God to send you out among them.


Songs:  I Just Want to Be a Sheep – Another song that will stay in your head all day. . .you’re welcome.

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