Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Matthew 10:5-8 - Demonstrating the Kingdom

Demonstrating the Kingdom


Matthew 10:5-8, NIV - These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans.  Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.  As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’  Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.”


                Pretty much the whole of Chapter 10 is about Jesus sending out his first disciples.  So my first encouragement is to read the whole chapter at once to get a sense of the whole encounter.  We will spend a few days working our way through it, but it’s helpful to have the whole in mind as we walk through the particulars. 

                The first detail in today’s passage that is important is the people to whom he is sending the twelve.  This is a specific mission to the Jews, not the gentiles or Samaritans.  This seems exclusive of others and begs the question, “why would Jesus restrict the mission to only “the lost sheep of Israel?” It makes more sense when we remember the purpose of Israel in the first place.  In Genesis 12, God tells Abraham that he will become a nation and that nation will be a blessing to all the nations of the world.  God chose Israel for the purpose of carrying out His plan for the whole world.  The Jews had largely forgotten that purpose and had isolated themselves from other peoples.  Jesus’s first priority was to remind the Jews of their purpose for being chosen. 

                This leads to the primary message Jesus gives the disciples to proclaim. “The Kingdom of Heaven has come near,” is that message.  This message is connected to the primary purpose of the nation of Israel.  Jesus is essentially saying, “what God told Abraham would happen is happening right now!”  He is inviting them to return to their purpose of being a blessing to all the nations.  The mission to the Samarians and the gentiles will come, but as we covered a couple of days ago, workers are needed for this massive harvest and those workers will come from the “lost sheep of Israel” recovering their purpose. 

                Another bedrock detail in this passage is the strategy of the mission.  Having been given the target of the mission (the lost sheep of Israel) and the message (the Kingdom of Heaven has come near), they are now given the method.  It is no surprise that the method is precisely what Jesus has been doing since His ministry started (healing, casting out demons, and raising the dead). Annouce that the kingdom of heaven has arrived, but also demonstrate the divine authority behind that announcement by performing the same Jesus has performed.  The disciples are disciples because they have seen the signs of the kingdom; now they are to do the same for others. 

                   I don’t know about you, but I’ve never performed these kinds of miracles/signs.  Most of us haven’t.  Some commentators have used this fact to support the notion that these first instructions are not for us, and they have a point.  If healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out demons are the marks of a successful disciple, then most of us are utter failures.  But to come to that conclusion is to, as they say, “throw the baby out with the bath water.”  The mission is still the blessing of all the nations of the world.  Jesus makes that clear at the end of this same book of Matthew (28:19-20).  The message is still same; the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived.”  The methodology, however, changes constantly.  The first Apostles performed miracles.  For reasons I don’t pretend to fully understand, precious few are given those same methods.   For most of us, we demonstrate our announcement of the Kingdom in other ways – loving the unlovable, caring for the forgotten, and freeing the tormented.  For a world short on authentic love, care, and freedom, these methods are no less miraculous. 


Question:  How do demonstrate the arrival of the Kingdom of Heaven with the way you live?


Prayer:  Lord, too often we disqualify ourselves from your mission for the world for illegitimate reasons.  Help us see the ways that we can demonstrate the arrival of Your Kingdom with the gifts that you have given us.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for God to bless strangers you see today. 


Song:  Take My Life and Let It Be – Brian Doerksen


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