Monday, December 20, 2021

O Come, All Ye Faithful - December 20, 2021

O Come, All Ye Faithful - December 20, 2021


Luke 2:15

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”


Probably my second favorite Christmas Carol of all time, “O Come, All Ye Faithful” is one of the older hymn texts we sing at Christmastime.  These verses were originally composed in Latin with the earliest texts found dating to 1640.  Most likely though, it is even older than that and we don’t have a way to know who actually penned the first version.  The lyrics have been paired with many tunes over the centuries, but the one we sing today dates to the mid-nineteenth century.  Again the authorship of the tune is often disputed. 


No matter who wrote it, I love it.  It is the hymn that I most associate with Christmas Eve.  I have fond memories of standing in church singing this song at the 11:00pm Christmas Eve Service at Mandarin United Methodist Church in Jacksonville with the pipe organ blaring full volume. You could actually feel the music in your bones!  I actually have a specific memory of singing this song and as we sang the title opening line, I had the thought, “I am one of the faithful.”  I was “joyful and triumphant” because Christmas was the next day and I got to stay up after midnight.  I would have to linger in my bed waiting for Christmas morning for a few less hours.  Score!  Fond memories.


My experience of this song is different now.  I’m not quite as confident about my faithfulness and sometimes it is the very singing of this song that helps me be joyful and triumphant.  It’s been years since I heard a good pipe organ.  I look forward to getting some sleep Christmas Eve and I pray that my kids are old enough now that they don’t wake me up too early.  The joy and triumph of Christmas is still there sure enough, but it has changed.  It feels less intense than it did as a child, but it also feels less fickle and self-centered.  The joy of Christmas for me now is more about seeing the joy of others.  The triumph of Christmas seems less about getting what I want and more about seeing others joy expanded.  I think about the difference between my childhood and adult experience of Christmas and I am grateful to God for the journey of faith He’s allowed me to have. 

Spend some time today reflecting on how your experience of Christmas has changed over the years.  What does that first line of “O Come All Ye Faithful…” stir in you? 


Prayer:  Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this happy morning; Jesus, to thee be glory given!

Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing!  We come and adore you! Amen


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people you will invite to worship with you on Christmas Eve Service later this week.


Song:  Westminster Abbey - O Come All Ye Faithful 

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