Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Grown-up Christmas List - December 21, 2021

Grown-up Christmas List - December 21, 2021


Luke 4:18-19 - “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

    because he has anointed me

    to proclaim good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners

    and recovery of sight for the blind,

to set the oppressed free,

to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”


As one that is always looking for the scriptural truth in unexpected places, I also have an affinity for many “secular” Christmas songs.  Today is one of those.  David Foster, the prolific songwriter wrote today’s “Grown-up Christmas List” Linda Thompson-Jenner and released it on his 1990 Christmas Album “River of Love.”  Amy Grant covered it on her second Christmas Album, “Home for Christmas” in 1992.  She composed and added a verse to the song and it was her version that became wildly popular.  Kelly Clarkson and a score of other artists have kept new versions coming ever since.


                The song is written to Santa Claus, but I prefer to see it as a prayer to God.  The heart of the song is the actual grown-up Christmas list:

                No more lives torn apart

That wars would never start

And time would heal all hearts

And everyone would have a friend

And right would always win

And love would never end…

To me, the list seems uniquely akin to Jesus’s statement of the purpose of His coming in Luke 4 above.  It’s instructive to remember that Jesus is literally reading Isaiah 61 when utters these words in a synagogue in Nazareth, his hometown.  He rolls up the scroll and then states, “today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”  The message given to Isaiah hundreds of years earlier is now becoming reality as Jesus begins to fulfill His mission.  If you read the rest of Luke’s gospel, you can see that Jesus goes about helping the poor experience good news that they’ve waited for all their lives.  He sees the afflicted and oppressed free.  He gives sight to the blind, heals the sick and proclaims the favor of God to people who never expected such a blessing. 


                To put it another way, he goes about fulfilling the aforementioned grown-up Christmas list.  Beyond that, he creates a community that he charges with continuing that work with the anointing of God’s spirit and the backing of God’s power.  You and I are charged with binding up the wounds of those whose lives have been torn apart.  We are called to be the peacemakers that keep conflicts from escalating into wars.  We are called to aid in God’s healing processes for those who have wounded by disease, violence, and cruelty.  We are the friends to the friendless.  We are champions of what’s right when all those around us seem swept away by what’s wrong.  All of that is summarized by the last item on the list – we are the people who NEVER STOP LOVING! 

                It can tempting to give on this list at times.  It seems like a silly pipedream most of the time.  But so did the idea that God would become a helpless baby.  Christmas reminds us that we are the community of the impossible.  We are those who claim that Jesus is Emmanuel – that in our striving for God’s kingdom, God is WITH US!


Question:  What is one tangible thing you can do today to keep yourself committed to loving the world even when it might seem like a drop in the bucket?


Prayer:  God, you are the fulfillment of the most grown-up of Christmas lists;  we believe that.  Help us in our unbelief.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for those whose lives have been torn apart this year.


Song:  Grown Up Christmas List – Amy Grant


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