Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Palm Sunday – Part 1

Palm Sunday – Part 1

February 2, 2022

Matthew 21:1-5, NIV - As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me.  If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”

This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet:

“Say to Daughter Zion,

    ‘See, your king comes to you,

gentle and riding on a donkey,

    and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’”


Today, we consider one of the more familiar events from the Jesus story, the procession of Jesus into Jerusalem less than a week before He will be crucified outside the city walls.  This story is often remembered in various ways on Palm Sunday, the last Sunday before Easter.  It is one of the rare stories that is found in some form in all four Gospels in the New Testament.  Traditions often combine details from all four accounts into one merged story, but if we consider the differences between the accounts, we will discover what was important to, in this case, Matthew as he tells the story.

As you may remember from the last devotional entry, Jesus and His entourage have just walked from Jericho and arrive in Bethphage. Bethphage is on the side of the Mount of Olives.  If you were to visit today, you would notice that most of the side of this mountain facing Jerusalem is a vast Jewish cemetery.  It has been a cemetery for thousands of years and was such when Jesus rode through it into the city that day. 

Upon arriving in Bethphage, Jesus sends two of His disciples to fetch a donkey with the donkey’s colt.  Matthew is the only Gospel to stipulate that there were two animals.  This emphasizes that this detail is especially important to Matthew because he wants his readers to recall Zechariah 9:9:

“See, your king comes to you,

    righteous and victorious,

lowly and riding on a donkey,

    on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

Matthew uses the exact same words to refer to Jesus’s entry because he wants to it clear that Jesus’s donkey ride is one of the many prophecies Jesus fulfilled, showing that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah.  What Matthew wants us to see is that Jesus Himself claims this title with His choice of a donkey to arrive in Jerusalem for the last time.  God’s chosen way for this to happen is paved by the disciples being able to secure the chosen animals without resistance. 

                Since the time of Jesus, one of the accusations leveled at the Christian movement is that the early church made Jesus something He Himself never claimed to be – the Messiah foretold by Jewish prophets for hundreds of years prior to the first century.  With subtle details like this instance of the donkey, Matthew is responding to those skeptics.  Jesus knew He was the Messiah, but He would radically depart from many traditional expectations of Messiahship.  By entering into Jerusalem on a donkey, Jesus recalls the another famous entry of an ancient Jewish king, Solomon, into the city.  The donkey also signifies that Jesus is a King of Peace, not war.  This is in contrast to the arrival of Pontius Pilate who came into the city on the same day, most likely mounted on an armor-cladded war horse.  That first Palm Sunday is about the clash of two very different kingdoms, a clash that continues to be evident to this day.  The Kingdom of God, which is described by Matthew, seems to turn the values of our culture upside down. 


Question:  How does the “contrast of kingdoms” continue to be evident in our world today?


Prayer:  Lord, help us to see the signs of the your kingdom in the midst of all that bombards us everyday in our culture.  Lead us by your Spirit. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for those who you consider to be your enemies today.  (Note:  Instead of praying for God to “fix them” or “set them right,” pray for God to bless them.  Yes. Really.)


Song:  The Blessing (2022 Compilation)

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