Friday, April 1, 2022

Jesus's Death: Shock and Awe


Jesus's Death:  Shock and Awe


Matthew 27:50-54, NIV - And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.

At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.  They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.

When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”


Oh to see what is described in this passage!  It would have been terrifying, awe-inspiring, and faith-building all at one time.  I have been around to witness miracles before, but nothing like this.  It’s as if the death of the Son of God, Jesus, caused such a metaphysical disturbance that all of creation reacts by life springing up elsewhere when death claimed Jesus.  Creation testifies that Jesus is the Son of God and the centurion and other guards simply state the obvious. 

These events are the “proof” that the chief priests and other mockers of Jesus were taunting Jesus in his dying moments.  They dared Him to prove that he was the Son of God by coming down from the cross.  Ironically, Jesus “proves” the true nature of God by NOT escaping the cross, but submitting fully to death.  The violent reaction of creation and the resurrection of others who had died gives witness that it is the death of Jesus that is where God’s power is truly seen - not in escaping death by supernatural power, but in God’s sacrificial love for all.  Death is not conquered by physical miracles, but by Miraculous Love – the Love Incarnate whose name is Jesus.  N.T. Wright puts it this way:

“A new sort of power will be let loose upon the world, and it will be the power of self-giving love. This is the heart of the revolution that was launched on Good Friday. You cannot defeat the usual sort of power by the usual sort of means. If one force overcomes another, it is still “force” that wins. Rather, at the heart of the victory of God over all the powers of the world there lies self-giving love, which, in obedience to the ancient prophetic vocation, will give its life “as a ransom for many.” Exactly”   (The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus's Crucifixion)

People have been missing this point ever since Jesus died.  Supernatural Love, not supernatural force, is the greatest power in the universe. 

                When we follow Jesus, we invite this Power to be at work in our lives.  This power doesn’t rescue us from suffering and death.  We all still suffer and we will all one day die.  But when Love is at work in us, our suffering and death has power just as Jesus’s suffering and death has power.  It is precisely the power of Jesus’s suffering and death at work in us!  Our suffering accomplishes things that cannot be accomplished any other way and our deaths are but an entrance into eternal life.   


Question:  Have you invited the power of God’s self-giving love in Jesus to be at work in your life?


Prayer:  Lord, we are impressed by miracles, but we are transformed by your Love.  We invite the power of Jesus’s suffering and death to be at work in us.  Amen,


Prayer Focus:  Pray for God to transform the suffering of those you are led to pray for today.


Song:  The Power of the Cross – Casting Crowns

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