Friday, June 24, 2022

David & Bathsheba


David, Bathsheba, & Birth of Solomon – 2 Samuel 11-12


Yesterday, we held up David’s honorable nature displayed in his treatment of Saul.  Today we read about the dishonorable side of his nature in the events concerning Bathsheba and Uriah her husband. Adultery, murder, cover-up abound in this story.  David sleeps with Uriah’s wife, has him killed, then tries to cover it up.  He marries Bathsheba. The prophet Nathan cleverly confronts his hideous behavior and David sees his despicable behavior for what it is.  Then in chapter 12, we learn that Solomon, the future king of Israel is born to Bathsheba.  If you were to read the rest of the book of 2 Samuel, you would learn that David’s life is never the same after this whole affair.  His actions set in motion a cascade of actions that would continue to stir dissension and unrest in his house for the rest of his days.  It is really quite tragic. 

My aim in these devotions is to always try to offer a hopeful word.  And there is hope in the end of David’s story.  Despite his flawed character, God used him to establish the united Kingdom of Israel, a nation that persists to this day.  He is the author of many Psalms that continue to comfort and inspire millions. He is remembered as a “man after God’s own heart.”  Despite the dismal last chapter of his life, David shaped the hopes of a nation for a Messiah that persisted until Christ came.  Taken as a whole, David’s life is still heroic.

But today’s episode is undeniably a cautionary tale.  Following our unhealthy desires have consequences that cannot be undone.  The sin can be forgiven, but the natural consequences remain.  David came to accept that and found peace with God in the end.  His last recorded words give testimony to that in 2 Samuel 23.  But if he sees Bathsheba and walks away, his life doesn’t spiral out of control like it did.  Our choices matter, sometimes a lot.  I’m going to let that sit with us today. 


Prayer:  God help us keep our thoughts and actions steered toward the ways that you teach us.  Help us to sincerely repent (turn away) when we stray. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for those who are dealing with the consequences of their ill-chosen actions.


Song:  Your Heart (David) – Chris Tomlin

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