Thursday, June 23, 2022

David and Saul


1 Samuel 24 – David Spares Saul’s Life – I urge to actually read this fascinating story.


No one would have questioned David’s killing of Saul.  At the moment, Saul (David’s Father-in-law at this point) was trying to hunt down and kill David.  Saul had just slaughtered dozens of priests just because they helped David.  David had already been anointed to be King by the Prophet Samuel and Saul was doing everything he could to prevent that from happening.

But just because you CAN do something without repercussions doesn’t mean you should.  David was ready to be King, but the way he became King was important to him.  He sought to be an honorable King and if he killed Saul, no one would have faulted him for it.  However, they also would quietly begin to see him in the same light as Saul.  His sparing of Saul accomplished something even better than his killing of Saul would have.  Others witnessed the honorable way in which David had treated the King and this made them love David even more.  In other words, David gained future respect and devotion by denying himself revenge in the present. He also glorifies God by his choice.

There is a lot of talk about rights these days.

“I have a right not to wear a mask.”

“I have a right speak my mind on facebook.”

“I have a right to fly the Confederate flag.”

I have to admit the truth;  the people who say such things are correct.  They do have the right to do such things.  Once again though. . .just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you should.  God calls us to much higher standards then “what we can get away with.”  We are called to the following:

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,  not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)

Just like David, we can gain future respect for caring for others now.  However, caring for others now sometimes involves doing unpopular things and/or things that are not convenient for us to do.  They might even include doing things we really don’t want to do. Nevertheless, that is what we are called to do  - not for our sake, but for the sake of others – not for our glory, but for the glory of God. 

What we need desperately right now are people with hearts of peace instead of war, people with hands of caring instead of mouths shouting in anger, and people with a fire in their belly for truth instead of minds resigned to indifference.

Do something BETTER than you what you can get away with today.


Prayer:  Prince of Peace, teach us your higher ways of peace, love, and wisdom.  Help us to be better for the sake of others and your Kingdom Lord. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for God to show you one thing you can do today for others that no one would never notice if you didn’t do.


Song:  Puddles the Clown – Cover of Elvis Costello’s “What so Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding?”

I chose this version because Puddles voice is so clear and the lyrics are very understandable.  (plus I just love the irony of a clown singing this poignant song)

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