Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Calling of Moses


(Long Scripture not included here)  Read Exodus 3:1 – 4:16


A much longer scripture today so I’ll keep it short.  This story of Moses’ call is very dear to me.  I so identify with Moses’s objections to what God wanted him to do.  I could not imagine myself doing what God was calling me to do over thirty years ago.  I was quite sure I did not have the skills to be a pastor.  I so wanted God to send someone else. 

Like God was with Moses, God was patient with me.    Every objection was slowly and quietly met with encouragement and comfort.  There were people saying just the right words at just the right time.  However, God did not relent.  It was six years that I kept resisting, so I was much more stubborn than Moses.  But God did not stop.

Here’s the bottom line.  If you pay attention to the language used in the scripture.  God was not asking Moses if he would like to go lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  He said, “I am sending you.”  God was not asking me either.  He was saying, “Eric, I’m sending you.”

At least one someone reading this is hearing those same words, “I’m sending you.”  My encouragement, and Moses’s encouragement if he were writing this would be simply this; obey.

I shudder to think what I would have missed if I kept saying no.  I shudder to think what would have been if God had given up on me.  But God never will.  God won’t ever give up on you either.  Obey.  I promise you’ll never forget it.


Prayer: When you call us Lord, help us through our objections so we can obey.  Your plan is our best plan. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people who struggling with God’s call


Song:  Go Down Moses – Louie Armstrong


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