Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Jacob’s Ladder

Genesis 28:10-19 - Meanwhile, Jacob left Beersheba and traveled toward Haran. At sundown he arrived at a good place to set up camp and stopped there for the night. Jacob found a stone to rest his head against and lay down to sleep. As he slept, he dreamed of a stairway that reached from the earth up to heaven. And he saw the angels of God going up and down the stairway.

At the top of the stairway stood the Lord, and he said, “I am the Lord, the God of your grandfather Abraham, and the God of your father, Isaac. The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and your descendants. Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust of the earth! They will spread out in all directions—to the west and the east, to the north and the south. And all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants. What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.”

Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!”  But he was also afraid and said, “What an awesome place this is! It is none other than the house of God, the very gateway to heaven!”

The next morning Jacob got up very early. He took the stone he had rested his head against, and he set it upright as a memorial pillar. Then he poured olive oil over it. He named that place Bethel (which means “house of God”), although it was previously called Luz.

“Surely the Lord is in this place and I wasn’t even aware of it!” 


Every time we are not aware of the Lord’s presence, Jacob’s statement is true of us.  The Lord is present everywhere we are and everywhere that we’re not.  There is nowhere you can go and truthfully say, “the Lord is not here.”  The times when we think that is true, our awareness is absent, not God.

I don’t like to admit that.  I’d much prefer to think that somehow, God decided to leave me alone for a while than concede that I am just not paying attention.  I have to admit it though, because every time refocus my attention, I discover that, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I wasn’t even aware of it!” 

Take some time to do that today.  Pay attention to the details of your surroundings and your situation.  Talk to God about them in prayer.  I’m betting that if you can slow down enough to notice the condition of your life, you will find some clues that God is there in the details. 


Prayer:  Thank you for your constant and abiding presence, especially we aren’t aware of it. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for the most vulnerable people in the nationwide heat wave we are experiencing right now.


Song:  We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder

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