Monday, July 25, 2022

One of the Best Stories in the Bible About Forgiveness & Reconciliation

Genesis 42-47 (If you have the time, it is worth the read!)


Today we fast forward to the end of the Joseph story where he is reconciled to his brothers and reunited with his Father. This is one of the most beautiful stories of forgiveness and reconciliation in the Bible. I say forgiveness and reconciliation because they are not the same. As we have talked about before, you can forgive someone without restoring a relationship with them. It is clear in these chapters for today that Joseph was still working on both.

Forgiveness comes first. In chapter 42, we see the hurt and anger that Joseph has harbored all his life come out when he sees his brothers approaching him to buy grain. It is not until he overhears his brothers regretting their actions against him that his heart seems to begin to change. Over the course of the next few chapters, Joseph lets go of his resentment and forgives. That would be significant on its own.

But then he begins to check out whether his brothers are ready to reconcile. He puts them through a series of “tests” to see if they are willing to be honest with him. You can forgive someone even without their cooperation, but reconciliation requires the honest effort of all parties. Joseph sees that his brothers are now being honest with him and so he eventually reveals who he is, letting go of his last bit of resistance to reconciliation. This leads to Joseph being reconciled to his Father, something that never happens if he is not willing to reconcile.

This story of forgiveness and reconciliation is messy. Most stories of forgiveness and reconciliation are. It is some of the hardest spiritual and emotional work we will ever do. But if we don’t do it the work, some outcomes that we long for will never happen. I strongly recommend the journey.


Prayer: Lord help us get free from our resentments and deep-seated anger. Help us to see the joy that could be ours if we submit to the journey with your help. Amen.


Prayer Focus: Pray for forgiveness and healing for our divided nation.


Song: Toby Mac – Forgiveness (ft. Lecrae)

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