Thursday, July 14, 2022

Samson – Trapped in the Cycle of Revenge

Read Judges 14-16 (I know this a long reading, but it’s worth it)


I hope were able to read about Samson’s exploits.  The reason I asked you to read the whole thing is purposeful.  When you read all of it, it’s easier to see the thread that runs through Samson’s entire life – revenge.  He is wronged and so he wrongs those who wronged him.  They retaliate and then he retaliates even more violently.  His last dying act is to bring a building down on his enemies and himself.  He literally lived and died in the cycle of revenge.

As I suggested yesterday, this is not heroic; it’s tragic.  However, too many people live a much less dramatic version of this cycle throughout their lives.  Tit for tat, eye for an eye, slight for slight, and hit and hit back.  Another version of this cycle is just as toxic.  In this scenario, the victim never retaliates but simply burns with hurt and anger indefinitely.  Nurturing the resentment becomes a way of life. 

The antidote to this poisonous pattern is forgiveness.  Instead of multiplying the pain, forgiveness begins to heal it.  You don’t have become best friends with the offender.  You might not even have a future relationship.  But forgiveness allows you to get free from the cancerous venom of bitterness. 

As I sometimes do, I’ll end with a challenge.  I invite you to think about an injustice dealt to you that you have not forgiven.  Take some time to reflect on what harboring that offense has gotten you.  As you think about it, you might even be able to feel in your body where that tension has taken up residence.  My challenge is this: make the conscious choice to forgive.  Most likely, this will take some time.  But as you stay committed to the process, I believe you will begin to notice a change in yourself.  That change is the arrival of freedom; welcome and embrace it.

The ultimate goal is the extreme opposite of Samson – to one day die with no resentments, no one to “pay back.”  Begin to forgive today.


Prayer:  God, help me to see the path of forgiveness for ___________.  It seems impossible to me, but nothing is impossible for you.  Amen


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people who are still without work to pay their bills.


Song:  Something a little different today. This is a brief guided meditation on forgiveness

Forgiveness: Christian Meditation

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