Friday, August 19, 2022

All That’s Left. . .

1 Cor 13:13 - And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


We’ve been focusing on faith and hope and now we move to love.  Being confessional, I know a lot about all three, but as far as practicing them, I feel like I struggle with love the most.  For that reason, I will be working hard in these devotionals to simply present what the bible says about love and then ask some questions. I’m hoping we can have more of a discussion than we have up until this point.  So here it goes.

The one verse above sums up a whole chapter about love.  I was struck this time reading it by Paul’s phrase, “Now these three things remain:”  I had always skipped over that before.  Doing some Greek word study, I found out that the word translated “remain” is more literally translated “remnant.”  A remnant is what’s left over when everything else has been used up.  Paul is saying that after everything is said and done, only our faith, hope, and love are all that’s left over.  And, of the three, the most important is our love.


Question:  If that is true, what are the implications for how we should live?


Prayer: God, you teach us about the things that endure when everything else is gone.  Help us live as those who nurture those everlasting remnants.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for our healthcare industry workers of all kinds (doctors, nurses, administrators, cleaning personnel, etc)


Song: Love Never Fails – Sarah Begaj

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