Thursday, August 4, 2022

Faith and Sight

2 Corinthians 5:7

“We live by believing, not by seeing” NLT


In college, my wife and I had a religion professor named Alan Smith.  He taught us a lot about Christian Education (that is his area) but to be honest, I don’t recall most of it.  But one thing I do remember from Dr. Smith is a word he gave me.  I’m quite sure he was quoting someone else, but the word he gave me was “faithing.”  He said that faith in the dictionary is a noun, but that is wrong.  You can only “possess” faith to the extent that you are using or exercising it.  This builds on what James was teaching, us yesterday about faith and action.  Faith is a verb.  We cannot “have” faith passively. We can only have it as we are “faithing,” that is, putting it in action.

If follows than that if Faith is a verb, it is something we must choose to do.  And Paul in the verse above, reminds us that this choice is a countercultural and even nonsensical one sometimes.  There will be times when “the facts” of a situation would tell you to not live by faithing.  You been praying for someone and they’re still struggling.  You are trying to learn something new and it is so frustrating you are tempted to quit.  To take a very personal example for me, you lost a LOT of weight only to gain it all back. 

A passive faith says, “Prayers aren’t working. This is pointless.”  An active faith says in spite of what it can “see,” “I will continue praying for my friend because I know that my praying is doing something that I cannot see right now.”

A passive faith says, “I can’t learn this new thing.” An active faith says, “Even my failure to learn to this point is teaching me something I didn’t know before, so I will keep practicing until I can see what it is.”

A passive faith says, “I might as well just give up on being at a healthy weight.” (I confess that I have that very thought all the time) An active faith says, “I have learned more every time I have lost and regained weight. I will keep working at being at a healthy weight knowing that I will continue to learn and become heathier in the process”

We live by faithing, not by seeing.


Prayer: God, I believe. Help me in my unbelief. (Mark 9:25) Help me live by faithing today and every day. Amen


Prayer Focus:  Pray for something that you, right now,  think is impossible.


Song:  Matthew West (Dream Again)

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