Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Gospel of Mark

Mark 1:1-3

The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:

“I will send my messenger ahead of you,

    who will prepare your way”—

“a voice of one calling in the wilderness,

‘Prepare the way for the Lord,

    make straight paths for him.’”


Today, we a begin a journey through the Gospel of Mark, the first to be written of the four gospel accounts we have in the New Testament.  John Mark, the traditionally agreed upon author, was an associate of the Apostle Paul and traveled with the Apostle Peter.  Papius, a first century church historian, asserts that Mark, a scribe, got the material for the gospel by collecting and recording Peter’s eyewitness accounts of the life of Jesus as they traveled together.  Mark took all the accounts and then organized them into straightforward story that has three basic sections:  (1) Jesus’s ministry in Galilee - chapters 1-8, (2) The journey from Galilee to Jerusalem – Chapters 8-10, and (3) In Jerusalem – chapters 11-16.  Mark heavily influences the writing of Matthew and Luke as the authors of those gospels use much of Mark’s material, sometimes even word for word.  90% of Mark’s material appears in Matthew and 50% appears in Luke. 


The phrase that Mark uses to introduce his Gospel is the only time in the entire account that Mark expresses his opinion about Jesus:


“The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:”


This is important because what Mark does in the rest of the Gospel is use all the eyewitness accounts he collected to convince his readers of the truth of his opening assertion.  Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah and He is the Son of God. 


After his opening, Mark quotes both Isaiah and Malachi to support the notion that the Messiah will be preceded by a messenger that will announce and “prepare the way” for the Messiah.  Tomorrow, we’ll find out who that messenger is, although I’m sure many of you already have a pretty good guess. 😉


For now though, I encourage us to consider the idea of preparing the way for the Lord as we begin our journey through arguably the most influential account of Jesus ever written.  Maybe you’ve read this gospel a dozen times before or maybe you’ve never read all the way through even once.  Regardless, this simple, direct, gospel has proven over and over through the last two centuries that we can encounter Jesus in powerful ways every time we read. 


Question:  Are you “prepared” to encounter Jesus is new ways?


Prayer:  God, prepare our hearts to receive Mark’s gospel as if we had never read any of it before.  Use this ancient text to warm and transform our hearts. Amen.


Song:  People Get Ready – Jeff Back & Rod Stewart

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