Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Day the Mood Shifted

Mark 8:27-30, NIV - Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”

They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.”

Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him.


                When Jesus asks, “who do you say I am?” he is asking for more than who the disciples SAY He is.  Jesus is asking them who they believe He is.  If I believe the man in the cockpit is really a fully credentialed pilot, I will get on the plane to fly to my destination.  If I believe that the woman diagnosing my health is a licensed and competent medical doctor, I will submit to the treatment plan she offers.  You can say anything you want about a person, but what you do based on who you believe them to be is what really matters. 

                At this point in the book of Mark, it’s been mostly miracles and healing since the disciples began their journey with Jesus.  The mood is about the change as we’ll see in the next several reflections.  The question put to the disciples by Jesus in today’s reading signals this shift in tone and brings what they really believe about Jesus into focus.  It is also Marks’s way of putting the same question to us today.  Who do we say Jesus is?   And just like Jesus’s first disciples, our answer makes all the difference.

                There are many ideas even today about who Jesus is/was.  If He’s a great teacher, then we will try to learn from Him.  If He’s simply a miracle worker and healer, we might ask for a miracle or healing for ourselves.  If He’s a prophet, we might want to check His prophecies against what has happened since.  But if Jesus is all this AND He’s the Messiah, than we will submit our lives to Him.  The way we live our life each day will be different if Jesus is our Savior and Lord.  So today (or any day) is a good day to ask ourselves the same question and spend some time reflecting on whether or not our everyday lives reflect our belief about Jesus.


Question:  Who do we believe Jesus is?  How are the decisions we make each day affected by this belief?


Prayer:  Jesus, show us what we believe about you.  May there be integrity between what we say about you and the way that we live.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people you know whose belief system is different than yours.


Song:   Who Do You Say I Am? – David Phelps


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