Tuesday, December 20, 2022

It’s Okay to Be “Salty”

Mark 9:49-50, NLT - “For everyone will be tested with fire.  Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other.”


                Jesus finishes this difficult teaching session with a summary statement; “everyone will be tested with fire.”  In other words, following Jesus will involve difficulty and unpleasantness.  No one gets through this life without their faith being tested.  Other translations say, “everyone will be salted.”  The common quality of fire and salt is that they change that with which they mix.  The path that God lays out for us means that we will come through the process changed.  As some have said, change is the only constant.  If, as a Jesus follower, you aren’t being transformed, something is wrong.

                Jesus then flips the salt metaphor and further teaches that we must have that same transformative effect on each other.  This is Mark’s parallel teaching to Matthew’s “you are the salt of the earth.”  (Matthew 5:13)  Not only is something wrong if we aren’t individually growing in our faith, there is something wrong with the Christian community where the transformation of people isn’t happening.  In fact, it’s nearly impossible for the former to happen without the latter. 

                I think back to my life as a Christian teenager who was just beginning to own for myself the faith of my parents before me.  As I do, I am at once both amazed and disappointed with myself.  I’m amazed at how strong my faith seems now when compared the shakiness of my teens.  I’m amazed at how my understanding and experience of God has expanded and deepened from the narrow-minded faith of my youth.  I’m absolutely blown away by all the difficulties and trials God has brought me through and how those very trials brought the strength and expansion of my relationship to God.  It has been an incredible journey.

                But I’m also disappointed in the fact that I still have some of the bad habits and attitudes that have persisted since I was a boy.  I still struggle to show as much of the fruits of the Spirit as I think I should by now.  There are still people I really struggle to love.  And there are still moments when my faith seems as shaky as it was when I was twelve.  I note these disappointments and it seems that I have farther to go now than when I started.  Ironically, for someone who has been invited by God to embrace eternity, this is exactly how it should be.  The more you know, the more you know that you don’t know.  The more you grow, the more you become aware of your need to grow even more.  Everyone will be salted/tested with fire and the Christian community is the very place where that salting/testing is supposed to take place.

Question:  How has your faith changed/grown since you first decided to follow Jesus?


Prayer:  God, thank you for the way you have brought me through my life to this moment.  Thank you for loving me through the joyful and sorrowful times.  Show me my growing edges and teach me to trust You and Your community to accomplish that growth. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people who are homeless right now facing extreme temperatures. 


Song:  I Have Decided to Follow Jesus – Lydia Walker


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