Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Who's First in Forgiveness?

Mark 11:25(and 26), CEB - And whenever you stand up to pray, if you have something against anyone, forgive so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your wrongdoings.”


Right away, you will notice that I did not include v. 26 in today’s reading even though I mention it in the heading.  This is because v.26 is not in most of the manuscripts from which Mark is translated.  The scholarly consensus is that it was added later by a scribe who thought that it belonged there for some reason that of which we are not aware.  In any case, I defer in most cases to scholarly consensus, so I have not included v.26. In any v. 25 is difficult enough.

Reading it a face value, this verse could be taken to mean that God’s forgiveness of us depends on our first forgiving others.  And making that assumption also assumes that we somehow have the power to extract God’s forgiveness through first forgiving others.  We do not.  God is always first in forgiveness.  If God does not freely choose to forgive us, we remain unforgiven.  So if we can’t manipulate God’s forgiveness with our own, what does this saying mean?

Though God is first to offer forgiveness, we’re not really capable of fully understanding or receiving that forgiveness until we offer it ourselves.  To understand forgiveness more fully, we have to experience both sides of it – the side of the forgiven and the side of the forgiver.  We are more inclined to hold on to offenses until we realize that letting go of offenses actually frees us even more than it frees the offender.  When we relinquish the need to retain others sins against us, we become more free to more fully embrace the reality that our sins have also been relinquished by God.  Just as we learn more about the fullness of love by loving, we learn more about the fullness of forgiveness by forgiving.  To love is to forgive and to forgive is to love.


Question:  What have learned about forgiveness by forgiving?


Prayer:  God, it feels counterintuitive to choose forgiveness until we have done it many times.  But as we do it, help us experience the fullness of how in character it is for You to forgive us.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for God to place on your heart a person that you need to forgive today.


Song:  I Forgive You – Kelly Pickler


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