Thursday, May 18, 2023

Final Charge to Corinth

1 Corinthians 16:13-14, CEB - Stay awake, stand firm in your faith, be brave, be strong.  Everything should be done in love.


At the end of the first (recorded) letter to the church in Corinth, Paul charges his beloved community to have an active faith.  Every word above implies a faith that is at the forefront of who they are; every word implies intentional effort and resolve.  They are still good words to focus on two thousand years later.    

                “Stay awake” – A Christian cannot be on autopilot.  While it is essential to have habits (ex. spiritual disciplines) that we faithfully practice almost without having to think about it, we also need to give focused attention to all that is happening around us and be ready to adapt and respond.  Jesus warned about being asleep and unprepared for what is yet to come. Paul reinforces this charge to being actively aware of what God is doing in the present age.

                “Stand firm in your faith” – To be a follower of Jesus will naturally put one at odds with some of the values of people around us.  The temptation is to “go with the flow” and avoid “making waves.”  We are called to live our values even when it is unpopular or even in opposition to the environmental pressures by which we are confronted.  This was true in ancient Corinth and it is still true in modern-day America.

                “Be Brave” - Nelson Mandela once said: “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”  Christians are people who can be afraid, but move forward in spite of those fears, trusting that God will be with them an all circumstances.

                “Be strong” – Like its physical counterpart, developing spiritual strength does not happen automatically.  To build strong physical muscles, you must be disciplined in training those muscles on a regular basis.  Spiritual muscles are developed in the same way.  We commit to and practice regularly those spiritual disciplines that force our faith to become stronger. 

                “Everything should be done in love.” – This sounds nice and sweet, but have you ever tried to do EVERY SINGLE THING in love for just one day?  It is HIGH BAR Paul is setting here, but it should always be our aim nonetheless. 


Questions:  Which of these final exhortations from Paul in 1 Corinthians did you need to hear the most today?  What are you going to do about it?


Prayer:  Lord, we know we need to be awake, firm in our faith, brave, strong, and acting in constant love toward all, but on our own, it is impossible.  Help us as only You can this day to be the people you call us to be.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people you know who don’t have the resources of a Christian faith to face the challenges of their lives right now.


Song:  Be Strong and Courageous – Michael W. Smith

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