Friday, June 9, 2023

Spiritual Fashion


You are the people of God; he loved you and chose you for his own. So then, you must clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.                             Colossians 3:12


“Clothe yourselves” with, among other things, patience.  The apostle Paul instructs that this is part of what it means to be the people of God.  His use of the verb “clothe” implies that we have a role to play in developing and displaying patience in our lives.  We don’t just wait for God to make us more patient.  This has been my experience.

I’ve joked that praying for patience is a dangerous prayer, but it is a prayer that I encourage you to pray on a regular basis.  One of the ways that prayer changes us is that it sensitizes us to the opportunities before us to have our prayer answered.  It also has the potential to see the situations that cause us to be impatient in a transformative way.  So, begin by asking God to teach you patience.  Then, when you encounter a situation where patience is needed, here are some suggestions for cooperating with God’s patience-building in your spirit.

Press pause and breathe.  When you sense impatience rising up, imagine pressing a pause button on it.  Then take at least one full slow breath.  As you draw in your breath, connect with the Spirit within you.  Realize that in that short pause, you have the freedom to choose your response to this situation.  More importantly, the resource of God’s presence is available to help you respond in the moment.  I stress “respond” because our tendency is to simply react.  And if you’re like me, the reaction is too often impatience.  Pausing and breathing creates the potential for a chosen response instead of a reaction.

Reframe the situation.  Instead of saying to yourself, “I can’t believe this traffic!” use your creativity to imagine how you could use the extra time.  Instead of focusing on the possibility of you being late, look for a different way to see the bigger picture.  Getting all bent out of shape will not make you arrive on time, so how could you use the time you been “given.”  You can deal with being late when you arrive and when you arrive, you may be better equipped to deal with being late than if you tied yourself up in knots all the way there.

I like the way Melissa Eisler puts it:

“Getting better at being patient will make your life (and the lives of those around you) easier and ultimately will make you a happier person. After all – adversity won’t be going away anytime soon – it’s part of the human experience and you can’t escape it.”

Patience also identifies you as the people of God. 


Prayer:  Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us, especially in those moments that would trigger impatience.  Amen


Prayer Focus:  Pray for teachers that you know today.


Song:  In a Hurry - Alabama

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