Tuesday, June 13, 2023

If Not For Kindness. . .

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.                                - Galatians 5:22


Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.                             — Matthew 7:12


Today we move to the Spirit-produced fruit of kindness.  The encouragement to be kind is part of virtually every religious and ethical system in history.  Most religious and ethical systems have some form of the Golden Rule (Jesus”s version is above) in their teachings.  And yet kindness seems to so often escape us.  These days, there seems to be a shortage of kindness.

A couple of times during the course of my ministry, I have had to respond to the tragedy of someone taking their own life.  While the factors of what would cause someone to take their own life can’t really be known for sure, one of the recent environmental factors in many cases is “cyber-bullying,” a practice that Oxford Dictionary defines as “the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.” To state the obvious, this practice, which is rampant on social media, points out a fundamental lack of kindness. 

My guess is that most of us reading this try not to be unkind.  But I want to push you (and myself) a bit because Jesus’s teaching is NOT to avoid being unkind.  His teaching is to actively spread kindness.  When we do this, it is VERY powerful.  In fact, I am aware of so many instances when one perfectly timed act of kindness actually stopped a person from taking their own life.  Kindness saves lives!  And yet, you and I too often withhold it.  I say withhold because the kindness is within us.  We do choose to be kind on occasion.  The times we are not kind are not because we are not able to do so.  We withhold kindness. 

We will address some of the reasons why we withhold simple kindness next time, but I want to close today by calling us back to the Golden Rule and the question it forces us to consider.  Do you wish for people to withhold kindness from you?

Here’s your homework today.  Try to catch yourself withholding kindness from others.  You think about giving someone a call to check on them but you decide against it.  You feel a compliment rising to your lips, but you don’t let it see the light of day.  You feel compassion for someone but don’t act on it.  When you catch yourself doing this, rather than chide yourself, ask yourself, why did I withhold this kindness?  As I said, that will be the topic of tomorrow’s edition.


Prayer:  God, show us the kindnesses that we withhold today, for we know the world needs kindness now more than ever.  Amen


Prayer Focus:  Pray for families that are dealing with the fallout of suicide, some even many years later.


Song:  If Everyone Cared – Nickelback

This song definitely won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but I thought the video was well done.  There’s a quote at the end that gets covered by Youtube Ads.  Here it is. 

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”                   Margaret Mead


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