Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Power of Gentleness

Blessed are the meek and gentle—they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5


“Be wise as servants and gentle as doves”             Matthew 10:16


“Gentleness is strength under control”    Elizabeth George


A wild horse and a tame horse both have the same STRENGTH. The wild one can’t be used effectively–no control. But the tame, gentle horse can do many powerful and useful things.  The Holy Spirit trains us in gentleness so we can do the same.  Too often, gentleness is seen as weakness.  Gentile people are seen as doormats.  But that’s not the gentleness that Jesus describes us having.  Gentleness is power used wisely and in a controlled manner – the way Jesus used power.  When we exhibit this brand of gentleness it accomplishes many things.  Here’s a short, but not exhaustive list:


1. Gentleness defuses conflict. Proverbs 15:1, “A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger.”


2.  Overcome mistakes -  so often, public figures who make public mistakes become defensive and abrasive.  Occasionally, you see one who is repentant and gentle in their response in a way that owns the mistake and at the same time, is committed to doing better.  People are often willing to forgive when mistakes are handled in this way.


3. Gentleness disarms critics! “When we are slandered, we try to be conciliatory and answer softly.” (1 Corinthians 4:13)  Critics gain traction and energy from our uncontrolled anger.  Don’t give them any extra energy by exercising a gentle response.


4. Gentleness is persuasive  - Proverbs 25:15 says “…gentle speech breaks down rigid defenses” and Proverbs 16:21 asserts that  “…pleasant words are persuasive.” John Brickell states that the opposite is also true; “I am never persuasive when I am abrasive.”


5. Gentleness is attractive! Sometime when you have the time, read the story of Ruth and Boaz.  Ruth is one the heroes of the Bible, but the gentleness of Boaz comes through in an attractive manner in this story.  People who are known for their gentleness attract others.


6. Gentleness communicates love. You know this if you have ever been on the receiving end of gentleness. 


7. Gentleness earns respect. Proverbs 11:6 states, “A woman of gentle grace will be respected,”   A good example is of this is Mother Teresa. Her gentle but powerful manner earned her respect worldwide.


8. Gentleness is a witness to our faith. People do pay attention to your words, but they pay even more attention to the way that you say them and the way that you live. 


Properly understood and lived out, gentleness is one of the most powerful forces on earth because gentleness is love in action.  May we pursue gentleness today in our actions with others this day and every day.


Prayer:  God, train us in your gentle and loving ways.  May we be known for our gentle strength as Jesus was.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people in abusive relationships today. 


Song:  Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness

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