Thursday, September 9, 2021

Matthew 7:3-5 - The Real Value of Being Able to Laugh at Ourselves

Daily Devo w/ Pastor Eric September 9, 2021

The Real Value at Being Able to Laugh at Yourself


Matthew 7:3-5  “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?  How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.


Who says Jesus doesn’t have a sense of humor?  He’s just finished being confrontational about the consequences of judging others (see yesterday’s devo), so he lightens things up with a humorous image of us with a plank in our eye (maybe the around 11-inch plank from two days ago!) trying to do speck surgery on our neighbor’s eye.  It’s a light-hearted image, but the message is clear.  We need to focus on our own blindness before we try to “help” others with theirs.  But it’s sooo much more satisfying to try and fix someone else, right?  Fixing ourselves is hard work, it’s uncomfortable, and doggone it, other people NEED to be fixed more than us.  Jesus, I know it was supposed to be funny, but we’re not laughing. 

Jesus is using humor because he knows it’s hard for us to look at ourselves, especially the not-so-good stuff like planks in our eye.  The humor is used to try and get us to let down our defenses and laugh at ourselves enough so that we can see the ridiculousness of our projects to fix others.  Having a sense of humor about ourselves is essential.   Humility is made more possible by humor; maybe that’s why they both start with “hum.”  😊


I have a real admiration for people who are able to maintain a healthy weight, probably because I have struggled with that my whole adult life.  I wouldn’t dream of telling someone else how to do it, because by and large, I don’t really know.  However, about seven years ago, I lost 125 pounds in little over a year (I’ve gained most of it back, so it’s not really that impressive).  After I lost the weight, I would get someone at least a few times to ask me unsolicited, “how did you do it?”  I got asked that so many times, I got tired of giving the answer. You know what’s really crazy?  One of my friends took my answer, did the same thing I did, and to this day is maintaining a healthy weight.  He actually gives me credit for helping him do something I’m still working on.  He’s not my friend anymore (I’m kidding…I love the guy).  That experience was humbling but it showed me what Jesus was talking about in the teaching in the above scripture.

Focus on addressing your planks.  To the extent that you achieve tangible results, you won’t have to go looking for someone to help with their “speck.”  The speck-sufferers will come to you.  And you’ll actually be able to help them not only because of your own plank removal, but because you’ll be a lot more humble in your efforts to help them.  That’s because without humility, specks become planks. 


Prayer:  Jesus, help us be aware of our planks.  Teach us how and help us to remove them.  Then and only then, send us speck-sufferers to help.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for your church today


Song: Is There A Plank In Your Eye?  This song made me laugh really hard, so it goes well with Jesus attempt to get us to laugh at ourselves.  Warning:  this song will stay in your head!


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