Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Matthew 6:19-21 What has your heart?

 September 1, 2021 – What has your heart?


Matthew 6:19-21, NIV - “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Believe or not, this passage has been used to support the notion that we should not have a savings account, make investments, or and in any way store wealth of any kind.  After all, taken very literally, that’s what Jesus seems to suggest.  It’s clear that most of us either do not think that is what Jesus means or we just refuse to take it seriously.  Jesus is speaking plainly here, but He is NOT forbidding us to have a savings account.


My Dad’s response to car accidents (mine, my brother’s, my sister’s, my mother’s) was always the same.  Once he determined that everybody was unharmed, he would then declare about the damaged vehicle, “Well, it’s just metal” (Never mind that there is less and less metal in cars all the time!). That has stayed with me my whole life because I know my Dad is enthusiastic about cars.  They are actually more than just “metal” to him.  But as much as he enjoys almost everything about cars, they are not his treasure.  His “people” are.


The key word in the passage above is “treasures.” defines treasure as “any thing or person greatly valued or highly prized.”  For Jesus, wealth is not to be placed in this category.  Wealth is to be used for obtain the things that should be in this category – things like integrity, compassion, and strong relationships to name a few.  When was the last time someone stole one of your treasured relationships?  How about your integrity? Ever had that destroyed by squirrels?  (Yes, squirrels are vermin to me 😊)  Jesus is talking about examining our values. He suggesting that if what you truly value in life can be eaten by moths or stolen by thieves, you’re in a bad place.   


Questions:  So here’s a little thought experiment; think about what you have that can be destroyed or stolen.  Imagine that it indeed is destroyed and/or stolen.  Really imagine that happening.  How do you feel?  What are the thoughts that cross your mind?  These are clues to whether or not your treasure is tied up in temporal things.  I do this little experiment on a regular basis and all too often, I realize the hold that destroyable or stealable things have on my heart is not good.  What about you?


Prayer:  Lord, help us see the mostly deeply-held values of our heart clearly.  May we let go of unhealthy attachments to things that can be destroyed or stolen.  Amen,


Prayer Focus:  Pray for those working in healthcare in the worst part of this pandemic so far nationwide.


Song:  The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love

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