Thursday, September 2, 2021

Matthew 6:22-23 Do You Have “Generous Eyes?”


September 2, 2021 – Do You Have “Generous Eyes?”

Matthew 6:22-23, NIV - “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!


There is a lot to unpack in these two verses!  First, many scholars believe a better translation of “healthy” above would be “generous” and a better translation of “unhealthy” would be “stingy.” I tend to agree because in the verses just before these (our passage from yesterday), the topic is treasure and the in the passage right after these verses (our passage for next time), the topic is money.  The flow of Jesus’s teaching moves from not hoarding (vs 19-21) to “generous” eyes (vs 22-23) to loving God over against wealth (v 24).


So what does it mean to have generous eyes?  To understand this, we need to understand the difference between the Jewish understanding of eyes versus our western understanding.  Generally, the western world has the eyes as being “the window to the soul.”  What we “fix our gaze upon” has an effect on heart and soul.  Our movie rating system reflects this view.  We need to be careful what we allow children of various ages to see because it will have a lasting effect on their precious and innocent souls.  There is obviously some truth to this.  I will forever be affected by seeing the movie “Cujo” at too young an age!


However, what Jesus is trying to get at here reflects a more Jewish understanding of the eyes.  Instead of being “windows to the soul,” the eyes reflect the condition of the heart.  If you ever gotten the “evil eye” from someone, you know what I’m talking about.  You can see the anger in their heart by looking into their eyes.  Likewise, we often talk about people with “kind eyes,” meaning the kindness in their heart emanates from their eyes.  This is the more Jewish understanding and probably closer to what Jesus is talking about in this passage.  That’s why Jesus refers to the “light within you.”  Whatever that light is shows up in your eyes. 


In vs. 19-21, Jesus taught us not to store up wealth.  Here, he is saying the alternative to that hoarding is to be generous with our material possessions.  Let generosity be what others see in your eyes, not stinginess.  Stinginess pollutes our whole body, but generosity brings light and life to our body.  So all this begs the question; what are others seeing in your eyes?  As another old saying goes, the eyes don’t lie. 


Question:  Do you have “generous” or “stingy” eyes?


Prayer:  God, help us “see” the true condition of our heart and move us towards generosity and kindness in a way that others see in our eyes. Amen


Prayer Focus:  Pray for 5 people that you are thankful for today.


Song:  Sorry, I couldn’t help myself on this one.

Eagles – Lyin’ Eyes

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