Monday, November 8, 2021

Matthew 13:51-52 - The Greatness of Crazy Times

The Greatness of Crazy Times - November 8, 2021


Matthew 13:51-52, NLT - Do you understand all these things?”

“Yes,” they said, “we do.”

Then he added, “Every teacher of religious law who becomes a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven is like a homeowner who brings from his storeroom new gems of truth as well as old.”


I hope all of you have had the experience of at going through at least one season of awakenings.  By that, I mean a season where you are discovering new insights at such a rapid pace that you can actually notice how you are changing in real time.  I have had a few such seasons, but the one that stands out for me above the others is a time during 1995-97.  In the space of one month in 1995, I graduated from seminary, began my first full-time appointment as a Pastor, and became a father for the first time.  I can feel the stress of all that even now as I remember it two and half decades later.  However, my memory of that time is very sweet.  I think I learned more in the next two to three years than I had in in other period of my life before.  That’s saying a lot because I had just finished twenty years of formal education!  Looking at that time now, I can see that it was the two decades of formal education that “set me up” for that flood of insights as my education met the reality of living and working in the “real world.”  The “old” knowledge of my childhood was combined and enhanced with the “new” wisdom I was gaining being a full-time pastor and new father. 

There have been other periods of streaming insight since then, but they have all been different.  One such period was the year following a two-week trip to the Holy Land.  My view of scripture has never been the same since walking the terrain where so much of that scripture happened.  Another rich period of wisdom followed some deeply painful experiences and losses.  All of these periods of breakthrough, though, involved the combination of new experience and insight with what I had known before. 

I think this is what Jesus is talking about above in his comments to his disciples.  He has been pouring into them new experience and wisdom about the in-breaking kingdom of God that is happening before their very eyes.  However, what they are experiencing and learning only enhances what they have already known.  They see the old in a new light and re now able to offer more to those that they will serve.  Jesus is reminding them that it’s okay to embrace new insight without fear of “losing” cherished beliefs and convictions from the past.  Those old insights still have value and are still part of them. 

This is so important for us to remember right now.  Collectively, the human race is going through one of those periods of incredible change and insight right now.  The pandemic has forced us to look at much of the “old ways” through a new lens.  This can be a time when a synthesis of the old and new can forge new wisdom to meet our challenges.  While we will have to let go of much from the past, the past is still part of who we are and will always be.  Our new understanding on the other side of this seminal time is built on the foundation of all that we knew before. 

I’d be lying if I said that I’m excited about all this.  Frankly, I’m deeply disturbed by a lot of what I see happening now.  I’m also a bit disoriented because I don’t know where it all is going.  Many who experienced Jesus firsthand were just as disturbed and disoriented by what they were seeing.  It would be much later that these disturbed and disoriented disciples would become the great apostles of the church that we revere two thousand years later.  It took them a while to digest what Jesus was giving them and integrate it with all they had known before.  It will be the same for us.


Question: What are you learning or experiencing right now that has shed new light on something you knew or experienced before now?


Prayer:  God, open our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds to what is happening right now before our very eyes.  Give us insight into how our present experience can enhance our experience of the past and prepare us for all that is coming next.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for teachers you know today.


Song:  Teach Your Children – Crosby, Stills, and Nash   

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