Thursday, December 30, 2021

Sing We Now of Christmas - December 30, 2021


Sing We Now of Christmas - December 30, 2021


Psalm 51:10-12 - Create in me a pure heart, O God,

    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Do not cast me from your presence

    or take your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation

    and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.


Today, we look at a  traditional French carol, NOEL NOUVELET, which literally means “Christmas comes anew.”  This tune dates to the late fifteenth century and has dozens of stanzas not translated into English.  It is believed that these many stanzas were a walk through the twelve days of Christmas.  In more recent times though, the song was shortened to focus more on celebrating the figures in the Creche, the handmade French nativities found in almost all French Christian homes. These nativity sets are more central to the French than even Christmas trees. The practice in many homes was to sing the carol while dancing around the nativity as a way of “entering into” the story of Christ’s entrance into the world.  This is the way Christmas comes anew each year as we take time to enter into the story as a participant instead of a casual observer.  


                As you look back on Advent and Christmas this year, have you been able to enter into the story or has it all been a blur?  It’s not too late. Spend a few moments with the figures of the nativity before this season ends next week.  Imagine you are a shepherd steered to the manger by the visitation of angels.  Or a wise man in a far-off land who has heard the message that a king has been born and you begin a long journey to pay Him homage.  Or even Mary or Joseph with a baby in their arms anticipating the joys and sorrows ahead being the earthly parents of the very Son of God.  In what ways could you place yourself in that first-century stable?  To the extent that we can do that, we allow Christmas to “come anew” for us this year and every year. 


Question:  How has Jesus been reborn again in your life this year?


Prayer:  Son of God, help me be present again in the stable where you entered our world and inhabited our human experience.  Help me experience the power as if I had been there in person.  Be born for me again this new year.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for your own spiritual needs today. 


Song: Sing We Now of Christmas – Straight No Chaser

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