Monday, January 24, 2022

DO Be a Child


“DO Be a Child”

January 24, 2022 

One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. 

But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”  And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.                                         Matthew 19:13-15


I love spending time with children.  For more than a year, me daughter’s roommate fostered a 1-yr-old named Bella.  Bella lived with them from the time she was just weeks old.  Because of this, our family has gotten to spend lots of time with Bella, long story short, she stole my heart. 

Jesus says we should be like Bella.  I often wonder what specific qualities of children he was talking about but he never says anything more than “the kingdom belongs to those who are like these.”  The Apostle Paul says, “when I grew up, I put away childish things.” I’m not sure what he meant by that other than he realizes that growing up tends to change things.  I think Jesus is saying there are some ways in which we change that are not for the better. Bella is helping me see some of those this morning.

She never doubts that she is loved.  She doesn’t disqualify herself because she’s not good enough.  She is not ruled by fear.  She doesn’t obsess over mistakes.  She lives fully in the present – not in regret about the past or fear about the future. She likes to play.  She tries new things almost every day, but she doesn’t seem overly concerned about things she can’t do.  You get the idea. You could probably add to the list.

From my perspective, I can read the above description and scoff. “Bella is that way because she doesn’t know what I know or have my responsibilities.”  And I’d be right about that.  To be sure, to be how Bella is in the world is harder and harder as we “put away childish things.“  However, I believe that is precisely why Jesus reminds us that it is necessary. We tend to lose some of the most important kingdom-like things as we grow up. Jesus is asking us to fight that tendency.

Choose to believe that you are ALWAYS loved no matter what.  Believe in what is possible.  Don’t disqualify yourself.  Move pass your mistakes because God has. Live in love, not fear.  Live in the present.  Play. Try new things, even things you think you might not be good at.  Again, you could add to the list. Be childlike in a good way.


Question:  What are other ways that children show us how to live?


Prayer:  Father God, help us be childlike in kingdom-owning ways. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for the children you know.


Song: Childlike Faith (Cover) Original Artist was Larnelle Harris

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