Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Will You Come and See the Light? - January 4, 2022


Will You Come and See the Light? - January 4, 2022


John 1:1-5, NIV - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.  In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


Today, I bring to you a song that I had not heard before today (the day I am writing this).  I was searching for an Epiphany song and came across this one.   I was moved by the lyrics and touched by the beautiful voices that sang the version linked below.  I cannot find the story behind the song, so my encouragement today is to meditate on the words.  Each verse ends with the piercing question, “will you hide, or decide to meet the light?”  The brilliance of the lyricist is that question takes on a different angle based on the verse.  Spend some time with this question today, reflecting on the ways that we often decide to hide from spiritual insight/light because deciding to “meet” the light would force us to confront something unpleasant about ourselves or the world in which we live.  The focus of Epiphany is to engage in this difficult struggle. It is to move from the sentimentality of the “sweet little Jesus boy” to consider how we will live because He was born.  Jesus is God with us in the flesh! So what now?  How will we respond to this incredible event?  Engage with this struggle this week of Epiphany.


Will you come and see the light from the stable door?

    It is shining newly bright, though it shone before.

    It will be your guiding star, it will show you who you are.

Will you hide, or decide to meet the light?


Will you step into the light that can free the slave?

    It will stand for what is right, it will heal and save.

    By the pyramids of greed there's a longing to be freed.

Will you hide, or decide to meet the light?


Will you tell about the light in the prison cell?

    Though it's shackled out of sight, it is shining well.

    When the truth is cut and bruised, and the innocent abused,

will you hide, or decide to meet the light?


Will you join the hope, alight in a young girl's eyes,

    of the mighty put to flight by a baby's cries?

    When the lowest and the least are the foremost at the feast,

will you hide, or decide to meet the light?


Will you travel by the light of the babe new born?

    In the cradle lit at night there's a gleam of dawn,

    and the darkness all about is too dim to put it out:

will you hide, or decide to meet the light?


Question: What specifically would deciding to “meet the light” mean for you right now?


Prayer:  God, we confess that sometimes, we have “loved darkness instead of light” (John 3:19).  Pierce the darkness of our hearts and give us the courage to meet that light instead of hiding from it.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for the biggest challenges of our

country today. 


Song:  Will You Come and See the Light? - David Haas, Michael Joncas, Marty Haugen and Paul A. Tate


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