Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Love God. Love People.


Love God. Love People.


Matthew 22:34-40, The Message - When the Pharisees heard how he had bested the Sadducees, they gathered their forces for an assault. One of their religion scholars spoke for them, posing a question they hoped would show him up: “Teacher, which command in God’s Law is the most important?”

Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.”


Anyone who knows me knows that this passage is my “big deal” passage.  It is Jesus’s restatement of the sum total of all the Old Testament laws.  It simplifies the Ten Commandments into two (all ten have to do with either our relationship with God or our relationship with people).  At the same time Jesus is summarizing all the laws that have come before, He is also pushing them to a higher level.  As the Apostle Paul will explain later to the Corinthians, you can follow all the instructions of God’s law to the letter, but if you do it without love, it lacks power. 

I love how Eugene Peterson translates what we are used to hearing as “heart, soul, and mind” as “passion, prayer, and intelligence.”  It just seems to imply a greater intensity and action;  I believe this was Jesus’s intention.  The Ten Commandments include a lot of “do not’s.” Do not have idols.  Do not misuse God’s name.  Do not kill. Do not lie.  Do not commit adultery.  Do not envy.  You get the point.  Jesus’s restatement is suggests that it’s not enough to avoid doing unloving things;  the point is to transform the actions of our lives to actively loving God and people.  What we see is that while Jesus has simplified the “ten” into “two,” the two are actually harder to live out.  Jesus has raised the bar. 

What does loving with all of our passion, prayer, and intelligence look like?  It’s looks as unique as our passions, prayers, and intelligence are.  My passion moves in a different direction than yours and your prayer doesn’t sound like mind.  Our intelligence is focused in different directions.  This is a beautiful thing.  By God’s design, the collective passion, prayer, and intelligence of the entire human race is channeled toward loving.  At least that is the divine invitation issued by Jesus in this exchange with the leading religious leaders of His day.  His answer silenced them; they ask Jesus no more questions in Matthew’s gospel after this (as we’ll see in the next devotional, Jesus had one more question for them though).  But in this invitation is the power that will change the world forever. It is still changing the world. Love God and love people.  So simple, but also so difficult.  It’s still the invitation today for you and me.


Question:  What does loving God and people with all your passion, prayer and intelligence look like?


Prayer: Lord of all people, you showed us what loving with passion prayer, and intelligence looked like in Jesus.  Shape our hearts, souls, and minds to be more and more like Christ.  Show us the specific opportunities we have today to love like Jesus.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people today that you have a hard time praying for. 


Song:  Love God, Love People – Danny Gokey (ft. Michael W. Smith)


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