Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Now I Have a Question. . .Watch Out!


Now I Have a Question. . .Watch Out!


Matthew 22:41-46, NIV - While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,  “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?”

“The son of David,” they replied.

He said to them, “How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him ‘Lord’? For he says,

“‘The Lord said to my Lord:

    “Sit at my right hand

until I put your enemies

    under your feet.”’

If then David calls him ‘Lord,’ how can he be his son?”  No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.


For the last few reflections, we have observed different religious groups taking turns trying to stump and discredit Jesus with the crowds in the Temple after Jesus’s arrival in Jerusalem.  In three days time, Jesus will be hanging on a Roman Cross outside the city in part because of the collusion of these very groups.  The questions have been handled brilliantly by Jesus and if fact, have backfired on His questioners.  The crowd is more impressed than ever.  It is the religious leaders who are looking bad about now.

Jesus makes things worse for them when He turns the tables and asks them a question – a question that they will not be able to answer.  As we will see over the next few reflections, this is only the beginning of the misery the religious leaders will endure.  In Matthew 23, Jesus unleashes a torrent of indictments upon them that will fuel their quest to get rid of Jesus.  But for now, let’s consider Jesus’s question:

“What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?”

Jesus knows what they will say because the answer they will give is not wrong.  As expected, they say that the Messiah will be a son of David, meaning that the Messiah will be a human descendant of David.  However, this is only the setup question. 

“How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him ‘Lord’?

Jesus then quotes the well-known messianic Psalm 110 to them to support the legitimacy of His question.  Jesus then repeats the question. . . just in case they forgot.  David does indeed address the Messiah as “Lord.”  There is a long silence.  The crowd looks over at the religious leaders, waiting to see how they will answer.  A longer silence.  Crickets.  They don’t even have a guess.  

This is one of those times when the readers of Matthew’s gospel (that includes you and me) have information that the people in the story do not have.  The religious leaders don’t have an answer for Jesus’s question and neither does the crowd.  At this point in the story, even Matthew himself doesn’t have the answer, for He writes this Gospel that we are reading decades later.  But we know the answer, don’t we?

Jesus is a Son of David.  Matthew established that in Chapter 1 with the genealogy of Jesus.  We also know that Jesus is the Son of God, for that has been established multiple times in the Gospel though Jesus often tells folks to hold that under wraps.  If Jesus is a son of David AND the Son of God, then David can address Him as Lord.  We know that and Matthew lets us enjoy the fact that the people who should know better than anyone else do NOT know.  Jesus is now going public with the secret He asked people to keep until now – the secret that we already know.  Jesus is Lord and Messiah because he is both the human son of David AND the divine Son of God. 

The real question for us is not whether we know the answer to Jesus’s riddle, but do we sincerely believe the answer is true?  And if the answer to that question is “yes,” then there is an even more poignant question:  How then, shall we live?


Question:  If you believe Jesus is the divine Son of God and the promised Messiah of all people, how does the way you live reflect that belief?


Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for revealing Yourself to us.  Help us represent You to others by the way we live each day.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people you know from other faith traditions than yours.

Song:  Build My Life - Michael W Smith

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