Monday, May 2, 2022

What Forgiveness IS – The Beginning


What Forgiveness IS – The Beginning


Proverbs 28:13, The Message - You can’t whitewash your sins and get by with it; you find mercy by admitting and leaving them.


                For the last several reflections, we’ve talked about many misunderstandings about forgiveness – what forgiveness is NOT.  Today we begin talking about what it IS.  Forgiveness begins with an awareness that an offense has taken place.  This may seem so obvious that it doesn’t even merit mentioning, but stay with me for a moment.  When we talked about the many things forgiveness is not, we began with a denial that anything wrong has taken place. 

                I have received numerous apologies over the course of my life where I perceived no offense.  When the person says, “I’m sorry,”  my sincere response was “for what?”  When they describe what they had done, I see that I was neither hurt or offended by their actions.  There is no need for forgiveness, because they have done nothing to me that merits forgiveness.   I have also been on the other side of these incidents.  I had legitimately thought that I needed to apologize, so I did and asked for forgiveness.  The person was surprised at the apology (because they had not been hurt of offended) and responded to me, “there is nothing to forgive.”  They were right.  No offense = no forgiveness needed.  No harm, no foul.

Some might argue that this is splitting hairs, but I believe this distinction is important.  What I have given to the people who were apologizing (and what people have given to me when I was apologizing) is simple grace.  Let’s reserve forgiveness for times when forgiveness is actually needed.  We risk watering down the substantial nature of forgiveness when we do otherwise. 

Here's another reason why forgiveness begins with acknowledgement of an offense.  How many times have you heard someone say, “it was nothing.”  Often, when someone says this, they are responding to something that someone did that was hurtful in some way.  They say “it is nothing” to dismiss the issue when the reality is that they were indeed hurt by what was done.  The person whose was hurt may have several possible reasons for trying to dismiss the issue such as embarrassment, fear, or avoidance of conflict.  Nevertheless, it WASN’T nothing.  An offense took place and forgiveness isn’t possible when the would-be forgiver doesn’t acknowledge that something is wrong.  It is not even necessary for the offender to acknowledge the offense, but the forgiver can only forgive something that was truly an offense.  It’s essential to admit the need to forgive someone before one can begin the process of forgiving.


Question:  What is the difference between forgiveness and “simple grace” to you?


Prayer:  Lord, you don’t overlook our sin as if it was not sin.  You call it what it is AND THEN, you forgive us.  Help us to be more like you.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for law and policy makers today as they try deal with the current challenges of our day. 


Song:  Forgiveness – TobyMac (featuring LeCrae) 

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