Wednesday, June 22, 2022

David and Goliath

Read 1 Samuel 17 – It’s too long to post here. It’s the story of David and Goliath.  See if you notice details that you didn’t know about before.  I’ll be here when you come back.


This story has been used to illustrate how any battle can be won with the Lord’s help for ages.  This is a true and worthy “moral” of the story, but there’s so much more here.  Malcolm Gladwell actually wrote a whole book based on this story with a really original title, David and Goliath.  His angle on this story is that David simply saw this situation differently than everyone else and that is the foundation for his victory.  Goliath was big and slow; David was small and fast.  Goliath was pretty much impervious to traditional weapons, so David chose a sling.  David was just as skilled at using the sling as Goliath was with a spear. (For a demonstration of how deadly a sling could be, go here: )  Gladwell, and other Biblical scholars, believe David knew all this and saw Goliath as the underdog - hence, his bravado with Saul about “taking care of this Philistine.”

Some will argue, “but this takes God out of the equation.”  I say, “How?”  Why would God choose David, a shepherd, whose primary weapon is a sling, to become the leader of Israel.  Because Israel would need a leader who saw the world differently than most.  When the masses were fearful, David was confident.  When all the experts saw disadvantages, David saw advantages.  God prepared David’s vision and skills to match the Goliath moment perfectly.  This way of looking at this story is way more powerful and faith-inspiring to me than a “magical shot” with a smooth stone. 

This is why people who soon be shouting, “Saul has killed his thousands, David his ten thousands.”  It was clear to the people that God had chosen him, prepared him, and was blessing his leadership.  This is what they wanted when they asked Samuel for a King.  However, David’s adversity was just beginning. We pick up with that tomorrow.


Prayer:  God you have chosen me, prepared me, and will bless me in the work you have called me to do.  Give me David’s brand of confidence to do that work.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for God’s leadership of our leaders as they face the issues of our day. 


Song:  Petra – The Battle Belongs to the Lord

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