Monday, July 4, 2022

Elisha - Just Doing the Job


Read 2 Kings 4:8-37 – too long to print here


As was mentioned last time, Elisha had been groomed and mentored by Elijah for the work of the prophet. And Elijah’s investment paid off. Elisha, by all accounts exceeded the works of his mentor – longer service, twice as many miracles, and he helped and challenged more kings. The Old Testament spends more time telling the stories of Elisha than Elijah. Yet, in all that was told about Elisha, not once does it record him complaining or wanting to quit. Elijah tried to quit multiple times.

Still, Elijah is revered as the greater prophet. Most likely, more of you reading this know more about Elijah than Elisha. Jesus had problems with his disciples arguing about “who is the greatest? I don’t know why this is the case, but here’s my simple point this morning. It doesn’t matter. Who gets more credit? Who’s more famous? Who’s more “important?” God does not care.

But let ‘s be honest. It matters to us. Humans like “pecking orders” just as much as chickens. We want to know where we stand. But along comes Elisha and simply just does what he’s called to do and lets the cards fall where they may. I’m not naïve enough to think that he never played the comparison game. Nevertheless, Elisha just kept doing his job without complaining.

I need to hear that and I bet others need to hear that. As nice as it is to get credit and be affirmed, what I(and you) need to remember is that the work is often it’s own reward. In addition, God is pleased when we do what He has led us to do. We serve at the pleasure of our God. Keep on keeping on!


Prayer: Lord, make us clear about the things we can do today that matter, whether we get credit or affirmation or not. Amen.


Prayer Focus: Pray for unity to grow around what we can do as a country to solve the problems we are facing right now


Song: Alicia Keys - Good Job

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