Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Esther – Part 1

Esther 4:1-17


A bit of background for the scripture above. This is a quick summary of Chapters 1-3. The King of Persia was having a wild drunken party. In the midst of the party he has the wonderful idea that he would like to show off his beautiful wife for all of his guests. It’s hard to believe, but the Queen refused to do it because the idea of parading before a room full of drunken men didn’t appeal to her. The King is embarrassed and has her removed as Queen and banished forever. A contest is held to find a new Queen. Esther, a Jew, is chosen. Esther was raised by her Uncle Mordecai, an official at the King’s Gate. You should also know that Mordecai also foiled a plot to assassinate the King.

Haman, the King’s second-in-command, doesn’t like Mordecai (or any other Jews for that matter) and convinces the King to commit genocide on all the Jews in the empire, including Mordecai. The plan worked like this. On the appointed day, all the King’s subjects throughout the Kingdom were to kill all Jews and take their property. Now you’re caught up.

Mordecai is inconsolable and begins a time of public mourning. Queen Esther is concerned about him and tries to see if there is anything she can do. Mordecai challenges her to petition the King to intervene on behalf of her people. She first refuses because she is sure she will be killed just for asking, but upon Mordecai’s second challenge (I hope you read it), she agrees to try to do something.

Just the decision to try is heroic. From the perspective of Esther, she most probably will fail and likely lose her life in the process. But she decides the cause is bigger than even her life and she asks Mordecai and the rest of her people to fast and pray for her. Because the cause is bigger than her, she knows she needs the help of God and other people. Heroic and wise Esther is. We’ll see just how wise she is tomorrow.

Is there a cause that seems too big for you but something you feel pulled to nonetheless? Perhaps “you have come to your… position for such a time as this?” If so, you will need God and people’s help to get it done.


Prayer: Most Holy One, I pray you would show me the task(s) you called me to do in such a time as this. Give me wisdom and power and the help of others to get it done. Thank you, Lord. Amen.


Prayer Focus: Pray for the victims of yet another shooting in Chicago on July 4th.


Song: Wayne Watson - For Such A Time As This


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