Monday, September 12, 2022

Holy Moments

Mark 1:9-11 - At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.  Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.  And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”


As we suggested a few days ago, Mark’s account of the life of Jesus tends to be much more simple and straightforward than the other gospels.  Often, Matthew and Luke will take a story from Mark, add more details, and sometimes even add some theological commentary.  Mark just tells the story.  His is a “just the facts” approach.  The story concerning Jesus’s baptism is a good example.


Mark reports that Jesus goes to the Jordan to be baptized by John.  There is none of the verbal exchange beforehand that takes place in where John objects to baptizing Jesus.  Matthew and Luke have good reasons for including that exchange, but Mark feels no need.  What Mark thinks is important is what happens after Jesus is baptized.  The skies open up, the Spirit descends upon Jesus, and a Voice from Heaven declares, ”You are my Son, whom I love; with You I am well pleased.”


This is the official consecration of Jesus’s ministry.  It is the hand-off from John to Jesus.  John’s preparing the way is completed.  The Jesus mission is launched by the Spirit anointing Jesus and God’s verbal blessing.  It is one of the few times we witness all three persons of the Trinity in the same moment.  Though Mark has no flair for the dramatic, this is a big holy moment.  As we’ll talk about tomorrow, Jesus obviously knows how big the moment is because of what He does next.


But as we are reading Mark’s simple “ho-hum” prose, the holiness of this event could easily be missed.  The truth about us humans is that we often miss such opportunities.  The holiness of what is happening right in front of us is lost on us because we aren’t really paying attention.  Though most of them don’t include the sky-splitting, Spirit-descending, “voice from heaven” kind of drama, God is always up to something all around us – even when we are sure that is not the case.  Today, look for it.  View what is happening right in front of you with an expectation of holiness.  Those who seek find (I think I’ve heard that somewhere before).  Be a seeker of holiness today and every day.


Question:  What is God up to in your neighborhood today?


Prayer:  Holy Spirit, show Yourself to us today in the seemingly mundane details of our life.  Help us experience your Holiness.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for those closest to you today and while you are doing that, be sure to make time to listen for God’s answers concerning them.


Song:  Holiness - Wayne Watson

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