Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Is Your Blade Sharpened?

Mark 1:12-13 - At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him.


It is assumed that Jesus was aware of his mission long before his ministry officially began.  However, with his baptism, his anointing by the Holy Spirit, and the verbal announcement of God the Father from the heavens, this mission has not been made public.    His public ministry is about to begin.  So what does Jesus do?  He withdraws into the dessert for forty days. 

It should be mentioned that 40 is a very significant number in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.  It is mentioned nearly 150 times.  This number is usually associated with a time of testing, trial, and/or preparation.  Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai on two separate occasions.  Elijah fasted 40 days.  Jonah warned Nineveh for 40 days.  The Hebrews spent 40 years in the wilderness. Noah’s flooding rains lasted 40 days and nights.  The list goes on and on.  On purpose, Jesus evokes this “holy” number with the time he spent in the desert to begin his ministry. 


The time in the desert IS ministry.  It is not what happens BEFORE ministry.  It IS ministry. Purposeful time alone IS ministry.  Being sent somewhere by the Spirit IS ministry.  Addressing temptations IS ministry.  Being attended to by God IS ministry.  What Jesus does in the desert makes what he does after more effective and focused. 


We all a ministry/service to which we are called.  My question for all of us is this: does our ministry/service include the elements of spiritual direction, intentional solitude, addressing personal temptation, and submitting ourselves to God’s care a part of our service or are those things attended to “if we have time?”  Stephen Covey called these kinds of activities the habit of “sharpening the saw.” Using a saw with a dull blade takes exponentially more time to cut than one that has been sharpened.  The time spent sharpening the blade is way more than made up for by the shortened time it takes to cut.  Jesus’s service is “sharpened” by His time in the desert.  If Jesus needed to do that, how much more do we?  That takes me back to today essential question.


Question:  Does our ministry/service include the elements of spiritual direction, intentional solitude, addressing personal temptation, and submitting ourselves to God’s care a part of our service or are those things attended to “if we have time?”


Prayer:  Master Jesus, help us not to be so preoccupied with constant activity that we forget the activities/disciplines that drive our most effective service and remind us that our service is always to You.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Spend some time actively seeking God’s guidance on a specific issue in your life right now. 


Song:  Take Time to Be Holy – David & Steven Au


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