Wednesday, October 19, 2022

In Between Harvests. . .

Mark 4:26-29 - He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground.  Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.  All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head.  As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”


You do not have to know how something works to benefit from it.  Millions of people use cars daily to quickly travel long distances who know almost nothing about they work.  People turn on their kitchen sink faucet in the morning with no clue about how that water just “magically” appears at their fingertips.  Smartphones. . . forget it. . . almost none of us how they work, including many of the people working at Apple.  We all use and benefit from hundreds of technologies that we have no way to explain. 

Jesus says the kingdom of God is like that.  We are encouraged to “work the soil” of it without so much as a clue about how the growth actually happens.  We watch for the growth and then we harvest when it comes.  It’s so simple, right?  Just keep scattering seeds.  Get the sickle out when the plants have reached maturity.  Plant and harvest. . .that’s all you need to know, right?

Implicit in this story is that the farmer actually knows much more than that.  She knows that seeds need water and so she waters the ground.  She knows that there are times of the year that seeds will never grow if they are planted then.  She knows that once the sprouts break up from the ground, they will need sunlight, so where she plants the seeds matters.  Likewise, you need to know much more than how to use the brake and accelerator pedals to drive a car.  There is a learning curve to farming, driving a car, using a smartphone, and navigating the kingdom of God.

Unlike a car and a smartphone, farming and the kingdom of God have elusive mysteries to their inner workings that may not be “figured out.”  Even the most technologically advanced 21st century farms have bad harvests that they cannot explain and get surprised by unusually good harvests as well.  The inner workings of the kingdom of God are even more unknowable.  If we are to get to the harvest, we have to trust that God will make it happen in ways we will never understand.  The idea here is to trust the mysterious processes of God in those times between seeds planted and harvests reaped.

We’re in one of those periods right now.  We were in one before pandemics, wars, hurricanes, and economic upheavals occurred so the process is even more invisible now.  It’s hard to imagine how or when the next great harvest will come, but it will indeed come.  Trust the process. . . or more accurately, trust the One in charge of it.  Keep planting and watering.  The Lord of the Harvest will do the rest, even though we will never understand how.


Question:  What are the things about the kingdom that you do know despite all the things you don’t?


Prayer:  Lord, we sometimes strain to trust that You are bringing the next harvest.  We confess that struggle in the same breath that proclaim our trust that You will indeed do it.  Increase our hope and faith and show us the things we can do right now to participate in the process.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for those running for public office right now, including those you are not planning to vote for.


Song:  Hand of Providence – Michael W. Smith

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