Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What’s With the End of the World?


Mark 13:1-4, CEB - As Jesus left the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look! What awesome stones and buildings!”

Jesus responded, “Do you see these enormous buildings? Not even one stone will be left upon another. All will be demolished.”

Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives across from the temple. Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked him privately, “Tell us, when will these things happen? What sign will show that all these things are about to come to an end?”


Mark 13, along with it’s parallels in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, has been called “The Little Apocalypse.”  This is because it speaks of the end of the world.  Traditionally, people tend to respond to this chapter in one of two extreme ways.  Some, who note that the end of the world has not come in over two thousand years since these words were spoken, simply choose to ignore it.  Others try to “match up” the events mentioned by Jesus with events in their current time as a way to be certain that the end is near and Jesus will return any minute.  Neither of these approaches to this chapter are very helpful.  Over the next few reflections, we will pursue a different path.  By paying attention to some of the details, we can both take the message seriously in every set of circumstances and also keep it all in healthy perspective with the rest of the gospel. 

                Although vs. 1-4 are the text for today, my encouragement is to read the whole chapter today at least once.  Make some notes to yourself about what questions this “Little Apocalypse” poses for you.  Ask God to use this chapter to speak into your life and our world circumstances right now.  In the coming reflections, we will hopefully address some of those questions specifically.


Questions:  What are your opinions regarding the “end of the world?” How does this Mark 13 speak to those opinions?


Prayer:  Lord, it seems that every generation believes that the world is ending soon.  Help us find a healthy and Holy Spirit-inspired perspective on what is happening around us and the larger world.  Help us to see ourselves and the world as you do.  Amen.

Prayer Focus:  Pray your way through Mark 13.  As you read it again, Let the verses guide your words and questions to God. 


Song: End of the World – R.E.M.

(I Couldn’t Resist!)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsxavPANO8s

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