Thursday, March 2, 2023

Rufus and Alexander, Sons of Simon

Mark 15:21, CEB - Simon, a man from Cyrene, Alexander and Rufus’ father, was coming in from the countryside. They forced him to carry his cross.


            I wish we knew more about poor Simon, the man conscripted to carry a cross that had overwhelmed Jesus.  There are many stories and traditions that have grown up around him since that fateful day, but none rooted in verifiable evidence.  We don’t know if Simon of Cyrene was a Jew, a sympathetic gentile to the cause of Jesus, or just a bystander who happened to be by the path of the the awful procession to the cross that day.  In any case, Mark intentionally mentions him by name.  The question is why.

            Most likely, it was because of Simon’s sons, Alexander and Rufus.  By the time the Gospel of Mark is written and begins to be circulated, Alexander and Rufus are adults and are followers of Jesus.  Mark mentions them because Mark’s audience would have known who they were.  Alexander and Rufus were living breathing connections to the account Mark is giving of Jesus.  They were witnesses to the crucifixion.

            What a ghastly thing for children to witness.  I feel quite sure that terrible images were burned into their little brains that day that would be with them the rest of their lives.  What fear must have strangled their hearts as their father is torn away from them to get involved in this atrocity known as Roman crucifixion.  I can’t think about very long without having to distract my mind with other thoughts.  Children should not see such things.  Yet children often do even to this day.

            Some of the images that are burned into my brain for the rest of my life come from walking through an exhibit at the MLK Center in Atlanta some years ago.  It was a special collection of pictures drawn by the children of Sudan depicting the horrifying things they had seen in the genocidal campaign of the Janjaweed (translation, “Devils on horseback”) during the ongoing Dafur genocide.  I remember tears streaming down my face as I looked at the stick figure drawings showing their family members and friends being raped, brutalized, and burned alive.  Even as I recall it now as I write, the tears fall again. 

            Simon and his sons were forever changed by a seemingly minor detail of the passion of Jesus recalled in one verse in the Gospel of Mark.  I take comfort in the fact that this wretched moment became a catalyst for their journey towards God and the early Christian church.  I pray for similar outcomes for children all over the world who have “seen too much.” 


Question:  What are images “burned into your brain” that have changed you forever?


Prayer:  Lord, please protect, redeem, and deliver Your children who suffer even now.  Help them to know Your presence and transforming power.  Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for children in our country and around the world who have “seen too much.”


Song:  Jesus Loves the Little Children - Wilson World

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