Thursday, March 23, 2023

The End of Mark . . . Again.

Mark 16:19-20, CEB - After the Lord Jesus spoke to them, he was lifted up into heaven and sat down on the right side of God.  But they went out and proclaimed the message everywhere. The Lord worked with them, confirming the word by the signs associated with them.


                We come the ending of all endings of Mark today.  It is a summarization probably borrowed from other sources in order to wrap up the gospel in a nice tidy way.  This ending certainly does a better job of that than the original ending (verse 16:8), which leaves great uncertainty.  Jesus ascends into heaven and his disciples begin carry out the mission.  This ending is descriptive of the time after the original gospel was finished, so in that way, it is appropriate. It also likely gives us glimpse into the early second century after Jesus’s death.

                It references a church that is fully focused on its primary mission of proclaiming the good news of Jesus.  This is a great reminder to the church of the twenty-first century which often becomes distracted by other more superfluous matters.  This ending also references a church fully connected to the power of God as they experienced signs and wonders amidst their efforts to further the mission of Christ.  This also serves as a guiding principle to current congregations that often operate as if it all depends on the human being involved to “make” the mission of the church happen. 

                Both reminders are also instructive to individual Christians.  As followers of Jesus, we are part of a calling that is bigger than our individual concerns and livelihoods.   Our lives are supposed to be a reflection and witness to the resurrected Messiah Jesus.  Additionally, the power for us to do that does not originate in us, but in the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us.  We rely on God more than we rely on our own power and intellect. 

                As we come to the end of our journey through the Gospel of Mark, I pray it has been good one for each of you.  I pray that God has used these reflections to spur you forward in your faith and calling.  I pray that your understanding and appreciation for scripture has grown and you feel more connected to the church to which Mark is a faithful witness.  I also pray that this journey has strengthened your commitment to connect with scripture regularly, whether it is through a devotional commentary like this or through other means.  Finally, I pray that you will be blessed through your daily practices of scripture and prayer.  To that end, I leave you with a benediction from scripture that has meant a lot to be since I was a teenager.


Questions: How are you personally connected to mission of the church?  Do you rely on the power of God to fulfill that role?


Prayer/Blessing:  "May the Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace,

both now and forever more." Amen.


Song:  Priestly Blessing – James Block  

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