Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Counting Joy


Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.   (James 1:2-4)


This has been my favorite bible verse since I was 13.  It has gotten me through an awful lot of difficult times.  My eight grade Youth Leader Travis taught us the book of James while we were on a 15-day trip out west to see the Grand Canyon.  I can still hear him reciting the words, “Count it all joooooy, my friends.”  I hear it every time I’m tempted to let go of joy.


My friends, there is joy in each and every moment of life.  You might not believe that, but I assure you it’s true.  There are obvious moments of joy - the birth of a new baby, the A on the exam you were worried about, the promotion, etc – but I assure you, there is joy in moments when joy seems impossible.  You have to intentionally seek it or it will not be found.  It won’t be found, because if you’re not looking for it, you won’t recognize it for what it is.


A few years ago, I was asked to leave a job I loved.  I won’t lie; I was devastated.  At my lowest point, I heard Travis say from the recesses of my memory, “count it all joooooy, my friends,”  and I was reminded to look for the joy in the moment.  It was over the next few weeks that I saw how there were people who were rallying around me.  I discovered who my real friends were because they were running toward me and not away from the trouble.  I realized that I was in a situation I had feared being in for years and it wasn’t nearly as world-ending as I had imagined it.   I could go on and on, but the long and the short of it is that when I started looking for joy in the moment, it was as if I were given special eyeglasses to see what I could not see before.


The other aspect of this verse that I want to point out is the first two words: “Count it. . .”  It has been helpful to me rephrase this as “Name it.”  Name it all joy.  This is to play the long game.  In the unbearable moment, to say, “I name this joy” is to submit to the truth that, with God’s help, this moment will be what I look back on at some point and say, “it was that moment” that brought this growth, or led me to meet this person, or allowed that next thing to happen that’s got me in this good and strong place now.  This moment's name shall be joy.


Look for it. Name it.  There is and there will be joy.

“…weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5b


Prayer:  O Lord, our Lord; how majestic is your name in all the earth.  Even in my misery, your name is Majestic and your joy comes in the morning. Praise be to name of the Lord!  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people struggling with depression today.


Song: It is Well With My Soul – Audrey Assad

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