Thursday, May 25, 2023

Who Taught You That?

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.                              2 Timothy 2:2


I often take for granted that whatever ability I have to love comes from people who showed me what love looked like – My Mom and Dad, My Mother and Father in-law, coaches, teachers, mentors, friends and so many others.  I have often wondered about people who show a complete inability to treat people with love and respect as if they should have been born with such an ability.  Too often, they are that way because they haven’t ever been shown any different.  I have to work hard to remind myself of that a lot of the time.  

In all of the communities that my family has been a part of as a result of my being an itinerant pastor, we have received a legacy of love – that is, we know what it looks like.  Those families and communities have passed on that legacy  - albeit imperfectly at times - but they have passed it on nonetheless.  This doesn’t happen automatically.  It must be done on purpose.


We are stewards of the legacy of love we’ve been given.  We need to pass it on to others. 


Question:  Other than your family, who are the people that have shown you what love looks like?


Prayer:  God, your love has come to us in so many ways and through so many people.  Make us instruments of your love flowing to others. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Spend some time thanking God for the people that have shown you what Love looks like.


Video:  In addition to a song today, I’m sharing this video.


Song: Here’s a short song with a powerful message:  Love – Pass It On (Imagine Dragons)

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