Wednesday, June 21, 2023



Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

                                                                                Hebrews 10:23


We are not called upon to be successful, but to be faithful.

                                                                                Mother Teresa


Today, we move to the fruit of faithfulness.  Staying the course of faithful action even when it’s hard and even when it seems like it isn’t doing any good seems downright impossible at times.  I like to think that my actions make a difference.  I’m guessing you do too.  So Mother Teresa’s words above are sometimes hard to hear.  Jesus never said, “follow me and I will make you successful.”

Here’s the hard part about being unsuccessful.  Failing is an integral part of growing up.  I worry about my kids when things seem to come too easy.  I actually want them to encounter some adversity and even fail sometimes.  Do I sympathize, hurt with them, and love on them when that happens?  You bet I do!  But I don’t actually hope that everything they ever attempt is a rousing victory.

Why? Because there are lessons you cannot learn any other way other than by failing.  Failing also has the potential to teach you compassion.  How can you know how to support someone who is suffering if you’ve never suffered.  One of the deepest comforts that Jesus supplies to me in times of  suffering is that I know He knows what is to suffer.  God knows my suffering because God suffers as well.   The really powerful part of that is that God’s suffering brings redemption.  The cross is how God brings redemption.  But here’s the part that isn’t said much.  Our suffering can also, with God’s help, bring redemption.

This truth helps me be faithful.  Knowing that God uses success and failure to bring about redemption means that my faithfulness is enough.  My obedience to the call is not about me producing certain results.  In fact, I’m not responsible for the results.  I am responsible for obedience.  I’m responsible for being faithful.  But I don’t even have to be faithful on my own.  But that’s a topic for next time.


Prayer:  God, it feels so good to succeed and it feels so bad to fail.  Thank you that you are able to use our efforts regardless of how we feel about them. Help us to be faithful.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for struggling business owners you know today.


Song:  Hillsong United – So Will I – Pay close attention to the words of this song…so powerful.

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