Wednesday, July 12, 2023

You are Among the “Chosen Ones”

1 Peter 1:1-2, NIV
- Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,

To God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood:

Grace and peace be yours in abundance.


Today, we begin looking at the first of two letters commissioned by Peter, one of the central figures in the early Christian movement and one of the original disciples of Christ.  The letter is commissioned by Peter, but it is actually composed by one of Peter’s disciples/assistants named Silvanus. It was written to gentile Christians in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) who were experiencing persecution from their neighbors. 


Right here in the opening we’re introduced to one of Peter’s key themes that he will continue to develop throughout the letter and in 2 Peter.  He addressed the letter to “God’s elect.”  This is the term used to describe the Hebrew people throughout the Old Testament, but Peter uses it to describe the gentile Christians to which he writes.  This is on purpose. Peter wants the gentile followers of Jesus to know that God chose them just as much as He chose Abraham and the Israelites.  It was God’s intention to use the Hebrew people as a vehicle for of sharing God’s blessing with all the peoples of the earth.  Peter’s audience are the people God mentions in Genesis when God promises that, through Abraham, all the nations of the earth will receive God’s blessing.  All would be invited into God’s family.  You and I are one of those people as well.  We are part of the family of God.   Abraham is our Father as well.  


                Right now, approximately 3 out of every 10 of the world’s people are professed followers of Christ.  What I’d like to point out is that each of those Christians became Christians because of who their parents, friends, or other people they know were also Christians.  The fact that we know or are related to them closely enough to “catch” their faith in Jesus is significant.  Some might even call it luck, but they’d be wrong.  We were chosen.  We were called to be one of the 3 in 10 so that we might be a witness to the other 7. 


                You and I were chosen for the mission of God.  Spend a few moments pondering that.  You didn’t happen to wander into faith in Jesus.  God has been working in your life since before you were conceived by your parents to bring you into the Family.   It’s not an accident.  You are here because God wants you here.  And God wants you here because there is a purpose that only you can fulfill.  Don’t take that lightly.  Don’t shrug it off as unimportant.  You are part of God’s chosen people.  Live like it.


Question:  Do you truly see yourself as someone chosen by God for a holy purpose?


Prayer:  Give us your eyes Lord that we might see ourselves for who we truly are – your chosen ones for your purposes.  Give us enough confidence in that truth that we begin to live it.  Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for 7 people you know who are not followers of Jesus.


Song:  Family of God - Newsboys

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