Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Forgiving God?


Job 19:25, NIV - I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.


The quote above is from Job.  Job has lost everything and the really disturbing thing is that it is clear from the story that Job’s suffering was allowed by God.  This has proven to be an ultimate challenge to Job’s faith, and at times, Job has very strong words for God.  He cannot reconcile the suffering he has experienced with the God he thought he understood.  Job is at odds with God.

                It is possible for us to find ourselves in the same boat from time to time.  Things happen that cause us to question and even be angry with God.  Many of the central characters of scripture have found themselves in this position as well (Moses, Joshua, Jeremiah and others).  The first 50 Psalms express this disoriented, disillusioned, and even sometimes angry faith of the authors.  Jesus himself quotes a Psalm when He cries out from the cross, “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” To the extent that we have ever felt that we needed to “forgive” God, we are not alone. 

                Here is some guidance gained from the book of Job that helps us work out our difficult issues with God.  First, be real.  God is able to hear you unedited feelings and comments.  God is able to handle us being angry and not return our anger and pain with retribution or punishment.  God’s love for us endures even the worst we can throw at it.  Along these same lines, honestly address our issues with God trusting that God can take them and help us move through them to a better relationship with God.  We trust God to get us to a better place.

                Be patient.  Wait for God to respond with faith that the response will indeed come.  God has proven faithful in the past and there is no reason to expect anything different now.  Often, what we will find is that God was not we thought He was.  Job, after encountering God says, “I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.”  As Job’s story concludes, he finds that he has discovered an even deeper faith and trust in God.  The same should be the vision for us as we move through difficult periods in our relationship with God. 

                God loves you with an everlasting and unshakable love.  To the extent that you feel lost from God, know that God is searching/reaching out for you.  God is not your enemy or foe; God is your Ally and Friend.  God is your Helper, not you punisher or destroyer.  God’s plans for you are good.  Whatever the problem is you have with God, God can help you overcome it.  Trust that.  Expect that.  Move forward knowing the way will be cleared for you. 


Question:  Do you have any uncomfortable feelings for God that you need to work through with God?


Prayer:  God, I cannot hide the difficult issues I have in my heart with respect to You.  Help me feel the safety to be able to open up completely to You and trust you to respond compassionately.  Remove the clouds of doubt, confusion, and anger.  Heal my heart and our relationship. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for people you know who don’t have any kind of relationship with God.


Song:  Praise the Lord – Crowder

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