Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Love and Reputation

Proverbs 3:3-4: “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."


Over the course of my life, I have known several people with the reputation of being extraordinary kind and compassionate.  They are the kind of people that, when their name is mentioned in public, there are immediate accolades. 

“She’s so thoughtful.”

“He’s always helping someone!”

Most likely, you know people like this is well.  Here is the point; people who are faithfully good to others over a period of time earn a reputation for being people of love.  They earn a “good name in the sight of God and man.” 

To be clear, that shouldn’t be why we do it. But the speaker of wisdom in the proverb above is pointing out that love and faithfulness is its own reward.  To be sure, loving people doesn’t always come back to you – sometimes people question your motives.  Sometimes they accuse you of being naïve.  After all, love earned Jesus the cross.  But even the cross becomes the ultimate symbol for what love looks like.  Take that crucifiers.  You can’t smear the reputation of pure love.

So make that your target and I’ll make it mine.  Let’s make it our legacy, what we were known for while we were here.  Who knows?  Maybe someone will see what we do and be inspired to do the same.  And so onward and upward goes love.  Praise be to God who is Love. 


Question:  Who are some examples of people we know who are known for the way they love God and people?


Prayer:  Loving God, thank you for the people we have gotten to show love to over the course of our lives. Help us to continue to treat people with love and kindness so well that we are known for it. Amen.


Prayer Focus:  Pray for the leaders of your church today.


Song: He Reigns – Newsboys

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